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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:02:05 +0000

Post From: ACSIL - sc.CumulativeDeltaTickVolume with multiple charts failing to return data

[2015-12-17 09:35:20]
Jayturn - Posts: 15
I am running a study on a base chart that uses a 500 Tick bar period and it loads a 405 Minute Period chart programmatically. When loading the chart using sc.GetChartBaseData(), I can access the High/Low/Close/Values correctly so there isn't an issue with the loading of the chart as far as I can tell. When I add that SCGraphData to the sc.CumulativeDeltaTickVolume() method, I get no data populated in the SCSubgraphRef provided as the SCSubgraphRef Out parameter. If I use sc.BaseDataIn I get the expected data.

The base chart (500 Tick) session start time is 00:00:00 and the end time is 23:59:59. The programmatically added chart session start time is 09:00:00 and the end time is 16:15:00. Please see my code below:

// This is the code used to generate the 405 minute chart.
int& dailyIndex = sc.GetPersistentInt(5);

// Create an object to store the chart parameters.
s_ACSOpenChartParameters OpenChartParameters;

// Set the Minute chart parameters.
OpenChartParameters.PriorChartNumber = chartNumber;
OpenChartParameters.ChartDataType = INTRADAY_DATA;
OpenChartParameters.Symbol = sc.GetRealTimeSymbol();
OpenChartParameters.IntradayBarPeriodType = IBPT_DAYS_MINS_SECS;
OpenChartParameters.IntradayBarPeriodLength = minValue * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;
OpenChartParameters.DaysToLoad = 0;
OpenChartParameters.LoadWeekendData = 0;
OpenChartParameters.SessionStartTime.SetTimeHMS(9, 30, 00);
OpenChartParameters.SessionEndTime.SetTimeHMS(16, 15, 00);

// Open the Minute chart.
dailyIndex = sc.OpenChartOrGetChartReference(OpenChartParameters);

// The following code is contained within a method.
// PrevDaySessionEndBar is the last bar in the base chart between 09:00:00 and 16:15:00 the previous day.
if (PrevDaySessionEndBar < 0)

// Get the dailyIndex chart number.
int dailyIndex = sc.GetPersistentInt(5);

// Define a current bar index to be used for calculations.
int curBarIndex;
int prevBarIndex;

// Define a graph data object.
SCGraphData dailyGraphData;

// Get the base data for the Daily chart.
sc.GetChartBaseData(dailyIndex, dailyGraphData);

// If the GraphData Array is empty return.
if (dailyGraphData[SC_LAST].GetArraySize() > 0)
  // Store yesterday's bar index to be used for today's calculations.
  curBarIndex = sc.GetNearestMatchForDateTimeIndex(dailyIndex, PrevDaySessionEndBar);    
  prevBarIndex = curBarIndex - 1;

// Get the base values for the previous day's calculations.
// All of these values are retrieved correctly
float dHigh = dailyGraphData[SC_HIGH][prevBarIndex];
float dLow = dailyGraphData[SC_LOW][prevBarIndex];
float dClose = dailyGraphData[SC_LAST][prevBarIndex];
float dOpen = dailyGraphData[SC_OPEN][prevBarIndex];

// Define the subgraph to store the cumulative delta data.
SCSubgraphRef cdHigh = sc.Subgraph[SC_HIGH];
SCSubgraphRef cdLow = sc.Subgraph[SC_LOW];
SCSubgraphRef cdClose = sc.Subgraph[SC_LAST];

// If the GraphData Array is empty return.
if (sc.BaseData[SC_LAST].GetArraySize() > 0)
  // Retrieve the Cumulative Delta data for the Daily Chart.
  sc.CumulativeDeltaTickVolume(dailyGraphData, cdClose, prevBarIndex, 0);
  // These values always return zero values??????
  cdLow[prevBarIndex] = cdClose.Arrays[2][prevBarIndex];
  cdHigh[prevBarIndex] = cdClose.Arrays[1][prevBarIndex];

Can you please tell me if this is the correct way to retrieve CumulativeDeltaTickVolume from a different chart and if it is, can you please test it at your end so I know it's an issue at my end?