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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 03:03:31 +0000

Post From: Fill Top and Fill Bottom taking CPU to 100%

[2015-12-10 18:33:05]
jesslinn - Posts: 108
SC 1336 is slowing to a crawl in certain cases when I set a study to use Fill Top and Fill Bottom (Transparent or Not). It seems to happen whenever the subgraphs cross (but not when they don't). It happens with custom studies or the supplied ones. The freeze can be kicked off by a number of things, such as changing symbols or playing with the bar spacing. Here is a specific way to make it happen after starting SC anew and starting a new chartbook.

1) Add Moving Averages, ignore the middle subgraph, set subgraph 1 to FILL TOP and subgraph 3 to FILL BOTTOM
2) Press OK
3) Decrease Bar Sapcing 3 or so times until it stops
-->) CPU goes to 100% - system basically freezes

Note that if I decrease the bar size all the way before adding the study, then
the freeze occurs when hitting OK and the Study Setting window stays on the screen.

If, in the study, the lines do not happen to cross, such as with the Bollinger Bands, the freeze does not occur.