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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 05:08:45 +0000

Post From: Weekend data and sessions, problems.

[2015-12-08 22:22:07]
User365411 - Posts: 192
This is satisfactory for most of our users.
Otherwise, we do not have a solution unless we were to ignore the data earlier than 17:00 Eastern time on Sunday from FXCM. However, they are transmitting this data and generally we do not like to ignore data.
Inevitably if we do that, someone is going to complain about the data not being there.

Ok, absolutely I understand your point of view. Thanks for the attempt made.
I will try some other solution.
However please take this into account in the future if you ever, for other reasons, to make changes on the subject.
For example the fact of having only two sessions in current markets, today virtually open H24, begins to be limiting, it would take at least three sessions, if not four. An enhanced session management , as Ninja or Multicharts would be ideal but I understand that It would likely lead to a rewriting of much of the well tested software structure . In any case, think about it.