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Date/Time: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 12:52:40 +0000
Post From: Deleting all user drawn text drawings upon removing study
[2015-12-03 06:10:39] |
KhaosTrader - Posts: 128 |
Hi, Thank you for your help, I will answer the two points: 1) I have the function that changes the text drawing color/hide the drawing.. If I dont make it a user drawn drawing, it doesn't work. This is because I use the GetUserDrawingByLineNumber, where drawings need to be userdrawings.. if there is another method of retrieving the drawing by linenumber, without using a fuction that requires the drawing to be a userdrawing, please let me know... bool ChangeTextDrawingColor(SCStudyGraphRef& sc, s_UseTool& Tool_TextWriter, int NumberText, bool HideAddonTextLabels) { Tool_TextWriter.AddMethod = UTAM_ADD_OR_ADJUST; sc.GetUserDrawingByLineNumber(sc.ChartNumber, NumberText, Tool_TextWriter, DRAWING_TEXT, 0); Tool_TextWriter.TransparentLabelBackground = 1; if (HideAddonTextLabels == true) { Tool_TextWriter.Text = ""; } { Tool_TextWriter.TextColor = RGB(88, 88, 88); } Tool_TextWriter.TextColor = RGB(88,88,88); sc.UseTool(Tool_TextWriter); return true; } 2. I need to keep track of these drawing line numbers to access them. I have more than one drawing per bar, hence I need to create a variable to hold them. I do this by creating a persistent integer and then use the following code Tool_TextWriter.ChartNumber = ++SC_TOOL_UniqueID; |