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Date/Time: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:14:10 +0000

Post From: SC 1316 Errors While Trading

[2015-11-12 23:18:23]
umair1 - Posts: 86
Ok let me try to duplicate the problem.

I noticed when duplicating charts that if the chart-to-be-duplicated is maximized then when I duplicate it, the new chart is also maximized. If I then duplicate the new chart which is maximized, then the newest chart is not-maximized.

If the chart is not-maximized to begin with then when I duplicate it, it always produces a chart that is not-maximized.

I know this is nit picking, I could care less whether the new window is maximized or not, it's just not consistent. And every time I have seen SC crash it has involved some kind of window minimizing, or not maximizing.

The system I'm using is a laptop Core i5-2450M @ 2.5 GHz. It has 16gb of RAM. The hard drive has 80GB unused out of 421GB.

I do run Sierra Chart along with OEC Trader and RJO Futures PRO. But when I check the resource monitor usually at most 8-9GB of RAM is being used. I'll start checking the memory usage when SC crashes to see if this is a problem.