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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 08:20:08 +0000

Post From: About the time zone

[2015-11-03 19:47:18]
KhaosTrader - Posts: 128
Sorry let me clarify.

I am saying if you set your computer clock to new york time, then everything is consistent. Then you would want sc to be new york time also. Because if you dont you probably need to change your time settings 2 times a year when daylight savings occurs, and also you will have to mentally adjust when news events occur, since most sites that show news events will show them in new york time... for news events I use ForexFactory.com

Anyways, if you decide that you want to change the session times of your chart, you go to "Chart Settings" -> "main settings".

If you want to globally adjust your datafeed, then you go to your Data/Trade Service settings, and there, you put in your time zone. its on the right side of that settings window.

I currently live in South East Asia, and trade the USA markets. I keep my Data Trade Service settings to new york time, and also set my computer clock to new york time zone. That way, my computer thinks its in new york. If I want to have the current time in my personal time zone, I use my world clock applications that shows the time in the country that I am personally residing in at the moment.

I travel a lot, so it makes sense for me to do it this way. Also I am very keen on news event times, and I want to make sure I never make a mistake regarding when a news event occurs due to a time zone error or miscalculation.