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Date/Time: Mon, 28 Oct 2024 11:21:21 +0000

Post From: Volume by Price Study - auto bar width request

[2015-11-02 10:18:46]
Marmany - Posts: 307
I find Volume by Price to be a very useful study whilst trend trading on relatively fast moving tick charts. To get the most from the study I need to be able to view the shape of the whole profile. This necessitates making frequent changes to the "Maximum Volume Bar Width Type" setting.
At present this has 2 alternatives "Period Length" and "Window Width".
I request you look at the possibility of adding a 3rd option "Automatic".
This would generate the actions:
Bar Width Type = Period Length;
If(Period Length > Window Width)
Bar Width Type = Window Width;

Hopefully implementation of this request will also be of benefit to other SC users.

Please consider

Many thanks