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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 12:08:43 +0000

Post From: Colored Background persistence beyond # of Bars to Calc.,does not clear prior bars

[2015-10-26 19:47:01]
User931283 - Posts: 55
SC's colored background is great, but when I set the "bars to calculate" setting down from testing (such as 3000 bars) back to say.. 2 bars to color, that only remains 2 until live feed runs a while, then the colored background remains moving across all the chart.

Then the prior colored background for prior bars persist.
(Think of it as the opposite of what a Linear Regression study does:stays on the last X-bars only= what I need).

That is, no "clearing" (or "not writing") of bars background prior to the calculate bars setting takes place.
Have I missed some setting that forces "clear"?

Some of my charts have a colored background on almost all new bars.
This is very confusing to the eye (not seeing only the main last relevant color).

CPU performance is not the cause: On Intel I5, usually running under 10% load.

Of course we need everything else to persist. This might be a "touchy" programming issue: We are sensitive that fixing this might wipe/lose some critical prior chart info, such as orders info. Hopefully not.

FYI: Saving any study on the chart will refresh the whole chart, which clears back to the 2 bars setting.