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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 06:17:35 +0000

Post From: retrieving string file name from settings to be played in playfile

[2015-10-23 03:41:52]
KhaosTrader - Posts: 128
I cant access a getchars from the SCInputRef... where I define the root file name... All I can do is the getstring. So my Buffer.Format line throws an error..

Here is code...

   SCInputRef EntryAlert_RootFileName = sc.Input[18];

    EntryAlert_RootFileName.Name = "Root File Name for Entry Alert";
    SCString Buffer;

    Buffer.Format("c:\\!TradeAlert_Sounds\\%s_Long.wav", EntryAlert_RootFileName.GetString);

sc.PlaySound("c:\\!TradeAlert_Sounds\\%s_Long.wav", Buffer.GetChars(), 1);