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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 03:35:38 +0000

Post From: Formatted Alerts to Text or Excel Live would be Useful

[2015-10-18 14:27:59]
User931283 - Posts: 55
No hurry. Do think it over.
Speed is your/our prime consideration (probably why you don't write alerts to file).

An "either" option for add-file "only" versus default standard show alert log (as now)-- would avoid speed issues for most users who don't need this.

Nobody wants slower or a large portion of main-memory being eaten-up!
Creating session or period (hour or minute) text files may be least-likely to slow SC.
I can have 5 to 8 alerts per SECOND, sometimes.. about 10,000+/hour.

You sure don't want a file to grow from session to session = slow to open, etc.

A 1-minute add-file that clears the file each minute--can work. I used a Perl program to grab such a file each 60 seconds to build it's own add-file.
You could later make an option for minute, hour, session or Off.

Maybe much later, an option for continuous (one file) for running long (month on ticks) backtesting only (I saw a request). Speed may not be quite as crucial in back-testing.

Clarifying the REASON for this:
Your fast-easy alerts, like horizontal line, are otherwise not accessible to computation/graphs.
Trying to find and move many horizontal line studies is impossible in fast markets, and clutters up studies.