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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:34:00 +0000

Post From: Chart data errors and the message log

[2015-10-16 05:30:52]
i960 - Posts: 360
Okay, simply restoring itself is the issue then. Why must the window pop back up in my face and disrupt things?

Go load a newer contract, set the number of days to like 10000, daily chart (I don't necessarily use this, but it's to illustrate a point), then "reload and recalculate" and watch what happens. The message log will pop up and you cannot even minimize it quickly because of the pure volume of log lines pegging the window. I don't watch 3-4 contracts, I watch around 20-30 so you can imagine what this is like when just a single legitimate error causes the message log to restore. I am forced to get spammed with 1000s of non-error log lines (things like contract rollover status messages, etc.) before I can even get rid of the window. I thought I could side-step the problem by simply minimizing the window so that they went to the log but I didn't have to see them - unfortunately the log is making a point about restoring itself and that's the really annoying part.

You have to understand this happens to me all the time - if my trading service is disconnected or a contract starts trading again from another session, etc. this message log will force it's way into the picture. It's not absolutely necessary for the window to restore, that's the intrusive behavior. It's perfectly normal to emit log lines to a minimized window without it popping back up. The win32 API has to be told a window should be restored and that's what the code is doing.

Most people only want to see the message log when something is wrong and when something is wrong they check the logs. Most of the time only critical things like a disconnection etc are what people care about. I could care less about contract loading errors unless I'm setting up a new contract.

To answer your question about what I saw this time, it was basically something along the lines of being unable to determine the rollover point based on volume. Other times it's been non-existent contract months. In all cases, it's the asterisk messages that are doing it because SC is saying to windows "yes, please restore this window."
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-10-16 05:33:04