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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 22:45:15 +0000

Post From: tomgilb

[2015-10-01 01:08:38]
Trader Ra - Posts: 87
thanks for that.. ill try converting directly first..

i know nothing about coding spreadsheets but am willing to spend time learning it as i really want to simplify what im doing so might start a project on this for the weekends. I want to use rectangles and extending rectangles to draw zones on my charts or as you suggested in the old thread to draw lines with fill top/bottom options. i like that idea. now with horizontal level drawing tool, that idea might work better.

there's no easy way of doing all this at present other than drawing it all in manually which is really time consuming esp. with the limited drawing properties for these drawing tools.

what i'd really like to do is code up a study like you did that can import automatically the latest zones file and draw them up on the charts. Also, i would want all the older files to remain on the charts so i can review my zones at a later date.

- create a new zones file daily where i input all the price levels (older files not to be overwritten)
- a study reads the price levels from the spreadsheet file
- the study allows me to modify drawing properties like color, line style, width, names, text labels, etc
- refresh charts and new zones should be there.
- yesterday and previous days zones still show on the charts (they just end at the start of new session or specified time)

i like the idea of using either rectangles or horizontal levels that have fill options between price levels for previous days and maybe extending rectangles or horizontal rays for the present day so that the drawing extends to the right edge of the chart to make them visible.

hope that makes sense.

my question is simply .. is this doable / codeable through the spreadsheet study feature in SC? if so, then im willing to learn it. Not sure is SC Support will read this post as its marked user discussion. I'd like their input as well on this.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-10-01 01:09:34