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Date/Time: Sun, 05 Jan 2025 12:51:06 +0000

Post From: Status bar chart values missing in Sierra Chart 1272 -- please help

[2015-08-21 18:14:09]
User35525 - Posts: 182
Dear Sierra Chart,

Thank you for the recent updates to the Compact Tool Values Window, which are excellent and make it very similar to the old status bar.

I have one remaining request that I hope may be considered. Could engineering add a setting in "Global Settings -->Tool Settings -->Chart Values" for Lock CTV to Chart Region 1? I am using 9 chart regions, and as my chart is small, it is currently difficult to use the Compact Tool Values Window as the old status bar without moving the mouse over chart region 1.

Thanks for all the excellent work this Summer. I am really looking forward to the Linux and OS X versions of Sierra Chart, so I can finally ditch Wine.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-21 18:15:26