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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 16:42:18 +0000

Post From: Please help me with Settings for a Spread Chart

[2015-08-14 09:02:44]
i960 - Posts: 360
By far CQG and eSignal are going to handle this better. It's not that SC is incapable of it, it just doesn't support it right now. The main issue you'll have is that it doesn't support charting of exchange native spreads (maybe it does with the exact CQG symbols though?) or synthetic relationships without a bunch of hassle. So you're essentially going to have a synthetic spread chart for all legs - whereas with CQG it would just be synthetic for the calendar vs calendar difference.

Essentially you have this:

(IC.BRN.201509.1-201510) - (IC.G.201509.1-201510)

Which is mathematically this:

IC.BRN.201509.1 + -BRN.201510 + -IC.G.201509.1 + G.201510
=> IC.BRN.201509.1 - IC.G.201509.1 + G.201510 - BRN.201510
=> (IC.BRN.201509.1 - IC.G.201509.1) - (BRN.201510 - G.201510)

Which is basically like the two front/back exchange native GAS spreads (https://www.theice.com/products/3545365) subtracted from each other if I'm not mistaken, although you might have to flip the orders around. That being said, in either setup you'd be trading 2 native spreads against each other - and if you had to go with one you'd probably be better off with the calendars (with the right ratios of Brent vs Gasoil), rather than ICS vs ICS. But of course validate that on your own.

If you have the ability to chart each exchange native calendar spread as a direct symbol within SC, do that. Make 2 charts one for each. Then assign a difference study and it should just work.

If you don't have the ability to chart each exchange native spread and are forced to use direct legs, then you should open up a chart for all 4 symbols. Setup difference spreads (with the right ratios) within the Brent and Gasoil charts using a sort of parent-child relationship. Make SURE to use "Display as main price graph" for the chart which is computing the calendar spread for Brent and Gasoil respectively. Then on the Brent chart which has "display as main price graph" setup a difference study using the Gasoil side (which has it's own difference displayed as the main price graph).

Now I'm not saying you'll have success, but those are just some pointers. This is one area where Sierra really struggles. If it had the ability to support generic synthetic formulas and better support of exchange native spreads then it'd be a serious competitor to CQG in this arena. Until then, you'll want to be using CQG or eSignal for this type of stuff.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-14 09:11:28