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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 14:22:21 +0000
Post From: sc.UseTool question How to delete Muliple drawings that all originate at the same index
[2015-08-11 06:15:44] |
enemyspy - Posts: 306 |
I am aware to use this to delete a specific line number: DeleteACSChartDrawing(int ChartNumber, int Tool, int LineNumber);
However I am in a situation where Multiple drawings exist at one index and once a certain condition is met they all need to be removed.Is there a way to either use TOOL_DELETE_CHARTDRAWING where the line number is greater than or less than a certain value to remove all above that value? Or some way to use the TOOL_DELETE_ALL but only for drawings originating at a specified index? or some other way to do this? Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-08-11 06:16:42