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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 08:47:44 +0000

Post From: sc.GetSessionPosition(PositionData) not working

[2015-07-31 18:54:14]
CustomIndicators - Posts: 126
Thanks. So, is this the proper way to do it with the new code?:

  s_SCPositionData PositionData;
  int Result = sc.GetTradePosition(PositionData);
  int PositionStatus = PositionData.PositionQuantity;

  SCString BufferOne;
  BufferOne.Format("Current Position is: %i", PositionStatus);
  sc.AddMessageToLog(BufferOne, 0);

And to answer your question, this was the first thing that popped up when I was googling for an answer: