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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:16:54 +0000

Post From: Problems with LMAX connection

[2015-07-29 00:37:17]
User77369 - Posts: 13
As stated, this price action coincides with lagging of prices. Every time there is a lagging of price I get the same type of price action coming through. As soon as price "catches up" we see the smooth action again. I can assure you this is not a coincidence. I have been watching the EUR/USD for 15 years and this type of PA is very rare in London session. This is only observed on the sierra charts platform. I have their inhouse platform open also also now since these problems started and it is not observed on that platform. If I make a trade then the trade will be filled where price actually is, which will be a different price than is observed on the sierra chart platform.

Please report this to LMAX asap and I will also ask about it now.