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Date/Time: Sun, 05 Jan 2025 12:31:24 +0000
Post From: Status bar chart values missing in Sierra Chart 1272 -- please help
[2015-07-23 18:58:56] |
User35525 - Posts: 182 |
Thanks for the updates that helped with CTV. It's also much better as a horizontal window. There are still some annoyances. I'd simply like to see OHLCVBA. Currently I'm having difficulty: 1) I can't seem to figure-out how to "turn-off" all the values displayed in my regions. I have 8 regions currently, and went through all my studies to uncheck "Display Name and Value in Chart Values Window". POTENTIAL PROBLEM: even if I got this working, I WANT some of these displayed in the main Tool Values Window (amazing tool btw). 2) Or instead of turning off all the values displayed in my regions, is there a way to just display the first region (chart region 0) in the CVT by default? That would certainly help immensely, as I have lots of charts, with lots of studies, and just moving from region to region displays new info in CTV. I'd just like to see OHLCVBA like before with the "status bar". 3) Would creating a new "window" for OHLCVBA be a better solution than modifying CTV? For my case, I simply want to see OHLCVBA as before, in a static area, and have it updated as I move my mouse across all chart regions. Since CTV and the main Tool Values Window are inextricably linked, I can't easily do that without turning-off all my regions, which means I cannot see them in the main Tool Values Window too. And I hate having to move my mouse to chart region #0 just to see OHLCVBA, as that's up at the very top of the screen, and I have to move my mouse across all the other regions, which causes them to display too in CTV. Inversely, I don't even use the main Tool Values Window to display OHLCVBA, but "scroll down" until seeing values of my studies, and leave it at that position. 4) The date field changes size all the time, causing a "re-flow" or width-resizing among the other columns. Is there a way to just have all the columns the same width permanently? This causes lots of "jitter" when moving the mouse. I set "use compact date format for drawings" and it didn't help. 5) I simply need to see OHLCVBA in a static area. Is there a study already made that can draw that on the chart, preferably at the top of the chart window, and *mostly-centered* (it shouldn't move left or right, but needs to start at a relative horizontal position from the left edge of the chart). 6) Or can SC engineering let us re-purpose the "Title" of the chart window for OHLCVBA? I remember being able to do this as a user for chart titles, and dialog boxes with dlgOpen() in Ensign Windows. This would be my favorite solution, as I hate the funky drawn fonts in the CTV and would love to see a native-style font and background, as with the menus, and earlier status bar. 7) Another user has voiced this already, but it would be handy to be able to control what and the order of items in CTV. In my case, I don't want to see "Y" or date/time at the front, and could move it to the end. But this would be moot if any of solutions #3, #5, or #6 were available. I don't care that some items would flow-off the screen with the legacy status bar, as all I wanted to see in a static locale was OHLCVBA. Even making CTV horizontal uses more screen real estate than I'd like, as there are columns displayed (even for chart region 0) that I'd rather not be there, such as other "Renko"-style price values, making the horizontal window quite wide. I wish I could make it even smaller, but the fonts are inextricably linked to the font options for the main tool values window, which I do want larger than in CTV. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-23 19:29:44