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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 08:41:20 +0000

Post From: CTS futures - ICE BRENT

[2015-07-22 12:12:58]
User270987 - Posts: 9
Hello! Can i ask, with real time data-feed from CTS (demo) i have "normal" fields in SierraChart:
Open=0, High=ASK, Low=BID, Close=LAST
but if CTS filling gaps, even for 1 minutes offline - i have only same price at all fields ;( O=H=L=C
This situation not same for almost any tickers. From CME - everything OK, from ICE = DX, Sugar etc - OK!
Only BRENT and UK GAZ = not ok!!
With data-feed from Optimus (demo too) - everythink is ok and for Brent too...
I am tested it on several versions of SierraChart, with latest too.
Can you comment or even help?


CTS for same latter gave a answer:


"For this issue we would recommend looking at Brent in our platform without Sierra to see if you still experience the issue. We are not aware of any issues on our end, so it seems that this may be a settings issue with Sierra. If that is the case you will need to contact Sierra for help with their setup."


With respect, Anthony
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-22 14:07:27