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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:41:34 +0000

Post From: Spreadsheet study data does not update

[2015-07-17 07:57:04]
User386687 - Posts: 53
I have attached a spreadsheet study to a chart and I receive the study quote to the Sheet1 without any problems (updates ok).

But when I try to use the quotes from Sheet1 on another sheets the data does not update. Please see attached picture about the situation. In the given example the Calcs!B2 should contain the Sheet1!E3 value but it does not update it. It is showing the intial value when formula was created.

I have checked the Autoupdate in the Spreadhseet menu.

So what I am doing wrong ?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-07-17 07:59:11
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