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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 05:05:38 +0000

Post From: New Spreadsheets | Not Updating In Real-Time

[2015-07-09 17:35:46]
User224651 - Posts: 28
Any and all of the deleted sheets reappear.

The sheets are named using what appears to be the default naming convention from Sierra Chart.

Each scss that has an 'extra' sheet has 'Sheet1' and another sheet such as 'Sheet4'.

All scss files that have the extra sheet have a 'Sheet1' but the extra sheet does not have a duplicate sheet number.

In other words, though we have 4 'Sheet1' across 4 scss files, there is only one 'Sheet2' and one 'Sheet3'.

It may be that the sheets are not being deleted. After deleting a sheet, for example, 'Sheet2' the focus of the scss file reverts to 'Sheet1'. In the drop down menu that exposes the sheet name, 'Sheet2' is there - so it may never have actually been deleted.