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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 16:24:34 +0000

Post From: CQG data feed stops sending data after several hours working properly

[2015-06-22 09:47:15]
User33803 - Posts: 40
I trade with Wedbush/Deepdiscounttradring.com.

So, do you think the problem has to do with CQG feed?

I might consider to change to Rithmic but the fees are much higher, so numbers are not that clear for me.

Would you consider to allow managing "Connection and Disconnection from Data Feed" in ACSIL (via adding a new function)? That would solve all my problems.

On the other hand, I proposed other solution: if you include an option in SC which checks the DF counter (in the up right side of the chart, in green) which
is stopped as well when this happens and, when the number is the same during X seconds, SC performs a Dis-Con automatically (X would be
configurable and decided by every user). Is this feasible?
