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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:09:05 +0000

Post From: Empty screen in chartbook on SC Teletrader

[2015-06-09 16:42:06]
corbeste - Posts: 74
Please see attached image. The left side is what I would expect, the right is when I scroll one bar to the left. I cannot see anything. This occurs on all 30 charts in the chartbook. The bars are still present because I have a series of indicators that reference this information, but I am unable to see them. Scrolling more to present time does not resolve this, nor does restarting

Its quite random, another chart displays up to the 5th June before disappearing. Pretty sure I never saw this on my copy of SC that runs via IQFeed. I'm running version 1250
image09-06-2015 18-36-09.jpg / V - Attached On 2015-06-09 16:41:00 UTC - Size: 145.8 KB - 364 views