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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 09:56:14 +0000

Post From: Unable to e-mail the Alert notification due to an error

[2015-05-29 20:03:50]
User930315 - Posts: 55

T-Mobile engineering continues to work on enabling Sierra Chart messages to tmomail.net. They have confirmed that messages from the Sierra Chart email server have not been blocked within the tmomail.net server. The problem seems to be occurring somewhere before the packets even reach that T-Mobile server.

The engineer is currently looking at their network configuration. If he can't find a problem he will be downloading the Sierra Chart software (assuming that's acceptable) and generating alerts from within the T-Mobile corporate lab next week.

Will it be possible to again temporarily enable messaging to tmomail.net next week if required for testing?

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-05-29 20:04:55