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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 23:13:42 +0000

Post From: how are minute bars plotted

[2015-05-12 12:10:48]
User193151 - Posts: 10
hello while comparing how minute bars plot on sierra vs ninja i noticed that sierra plots the current minute bar with the current time while ninja trader plots the current minute bar with the upcoming time - e.g. if it's 8:04 AM, NT will plot the current bar as 8:05 while sierra will plot with 8:04? Is this normal functionality? also is there a way to change how the minute bar is plotted should I choose to? Attached is a screenshot of what I'm seeing.
attachmentNT VS SIERRA.xlsx - Attached On 2015-05-12 12:10:39 UTC - Size: 414.34 KB - 364 views