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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 23:11:15 +0000
Post From: Draw line with ACSIL question.
[2015-04-09 17:20:54] |
marcovth - Posts: 61 |
These are not user drawn pen lines. These are ACSIL DRAWING_LINEs I am talking about. There are no rounded edges when you use .SquareEdge=1; Lines.Clear(); Lines.ChartNumber = sc.ChartNumber; Lines.DrawingType = DRAWING_LINE; Lines.LineNumber = num; Lines.BeginDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[bar1]; Lines.BeginValue = val1; Lines.EndDateTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[bar2]; Lines.EndValue = val2; Lines.Color = Color; Lines.LineWidth = LineWidth; Lines.LineStyle = LineStyle; Lines.AddMethod = UTAM_ADD_OR_ADJUST; Lines.SquareEdge=1; Lines.Region = Region; sc.UseTool(Lines); Lines.DrawingType = DRAWING_BAR; ... gives an error. When SC is drawing thick volume bars with its volume study, you get the expected volume heights. However, if you draw the same volume bars as a DRAWING_LINE with ACSIL, the line differs in size depending on LineWidth you are using. This is because SC is drawing edges around a DRAWING_LINE. There seems to be an ACSIL "DrawEndingEdges=false" option missing to draw a DRAWING_LINE exactly between the given BeginValue and EndValue, no matter what LineWidth it it using. I hope you can add this DrawEndingEdges=false option to the programming list. Thanks in advance. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-04-09 17:25:51