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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 04:22:15 +0000

Post From: Wingdings not working - Requesting SC Engineers

[2015-04-07 07:35:49]
CustomIndicators - Posts: 126
I'm trying to use the wingdings font on the chart. I've tried both corresponding letters like A, B, and C, but it just shows those letters on the chart in Ariel. I also tried to use the wingdings font codes from the windows char map, but those just resulted in the chart displaying the symbols Ú and Ù.

Here is what the code looks like:

void DrawWingdings(SCStudyGraphRef sc, unsigned int index, float value, unsigned int color)
  s_UseTool Tool;
  Tool.Clear(); // reset tool structure for our next use
  Tool.DrawingType = DRAWING_TEXT;
  Tool.BeginIndex = index;
  Tool.BeginValue = value;
  //Tool.Color = color;
  Tool.AddMethod = UTAM_ADD_OR_ADJUST;
  Tool.Region = 0;
  Tool.FontFace = "Wingdings";
  Tool.TextAlignment = DT_CENTER | DT_RIGHT;
  Tool.FontSize = 15;
  Tool.Text.Format("%c", 0xD9 );

// Example: DrawWingdings(sc, peakOneDT, peakOne, COLOR_BLUE);

Any idea what I did wrong, to get the Ú and Ù instead of the Wingdings up and down symbols?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2015-04-07 07:55:22