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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:10:21 +0000

Post From: chart linking does not work as expected

[2015-02-19 05:28:48]
jivetrader - Posts: 410
from https://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?l=PostingInformation.php#GeneralInformation

>>some other study which will cause the bar time period to be synchronized between the two charts.

i believe this is not applicable. yes this chart is Refd by another chart. so are others in the chartbook. i do not understand why just this one linked chart changes to Historical when in fact i do not have any Historical charts in the entire CB. i have seen this bug many times since i started working with SC (summer 2014) and it still exists in the latest prerelease.

both of these issues make no sense to me. this one smells like a bug and for the other, the link behaviour should behave more sensibly like so: if a chart is linked to other charts by say, only scroll position, and its symbol is changed, then regardless of which tick boxes are checked on the other linked charts, the darn symbol should not change. ie the current chart's settings should determine what is linked, otherwise one can only 1. tick only the same exact settings as the other charts or 2. fix all the other charts once the current chart messes them up upon hitting Apply.

thank you for the additional link features in the latest version. if it could perform intuitively that would be great.