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Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 10:44:56 +0000

Post From: connection issues between 2 copies of SC

[2015-02-18 01:29:27]
jivetrader - Posts: 410
even with no trade windows open, i am still getting the errors for unknown symbols. i have followed the instructions here: http://www.sierrachart.com/index.php?page=doc/helpdetails1.html#h1.3 but they are not helping since i have no windows and no quoteboards open. this part of my problem has something to do with the 2 copies of Sierra. the symbols are for DTN IQ (my background copy of SC) and not the SC copy that is giving me errors. this is confusing and frustrating. it would be much better if SC could handle the datafeed and order routing within one instance. please advise