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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 05:18:59 +0000

Post From: Volume Study on the Price graph

[2014-12-23 20:11:56]
User12089 - Posts: 350
I have added the simple Volume Study (its name is just "Volume") on a price chart (ES) and tried to put it on the same Chart Region as the main price graph ie Chart Region 1. I have experimented with various Scaling options but could NOT make the bars of the Volume study to do ALL of the following a) appear at the bottom of Region 1, b) have max length no more than e.g. 20% of the chart height, c) when the chart is scrolled, remain in the same position.

In one word what I am trying to achieve is the same visualization as when the Volume study appears in its OWN chart region. The only difference in my case is that I don't want a separate chart region - what I want is to overlay it on the main price graph, wile preserving its look and feel as when in separate chart region

I guess the key is in the right combination of scaling options but what is it?