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Date/Time: Sat, 21 Dec 2024 14:43:27 +0000

Post From: sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID question

[2014-11-15 22:17:23]
test99 - Posts: 26
I have overlayed a study from another chart with different time frame using Study/Price Overlay unsynchronized.
Overlayed study data displayed correctly. Then I was pulling data from overlayed study using sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID function with low_prec_level set using sc.Index.

When transitioning from prev to new bar on main chart (sc.Index) I noticed that during the time of the transition I pull one bar prior data from ovelayed chart. It happens once on every main chart new bar.

It seems sc.Index loses indexing of overlayed chart data momentarily.

SCString Buffer99;
Buffer99.Format("PrevBar = %4.4f and ThisBar = %4.4f", BidvsAskArray49mins[sc.Index-1], BidvsAskArray49mins[sc.Index]);
sc.AddMessageToLog(Buffer99, 1);

Please advise if that is a bug or I have to use other methods of pulling data from other time frames and not loosing correct indexing.
Thank you