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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:13:03 +0000

Post From: Can't get [M] with symbol

[2014-10-23 19:47:14]
maxpi - Posts: 180
Using SC realtime data feed, NQ futs... I'm noticing that if I delete the data and redownload I get the last ten minutes of data in 30 second boundaries as if it was coming from IB. If I pull the internet cable, wait and reconnect, I get the last ten minutes seemingly from IB. You wouldn't notice this if you had charts that bounded on 30 seconds like 1min, 2min etc. but I'm using tick charts and it's glaring, screws up the geometry.

I checked the steps for setting up the data feed. I did not go into the account setup steps.

I had the [M] for awhile but now I can't get a symbol to come up with that... two problems or one, not sure here, seemingly it's two separate things...

I just put $40 in to make sure the datafeed was paid up, it could be an account problem? Do I have to revisit the account settings for the datafeed?

I tried other symbols, same thing.