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Date/Time: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 05:37:42 +0000

Post From: What does NEW COM NEW in window title signify?

[2014-09-13 16:17:52]
The Stealthy Trader - Posts: 165
Well, all I did was act upon what was suggested.

I've noticed that in the Help menu, there's no mention of what Version anything is. Just Download "Current", "Latest", "Pre-Release". That and different combinations with new/old spreadsheets.

Might I suggest making that section a bit clearer with the inclusion of Version #'s.

Anyway, when I sent a Support Query(see link below) to fix a known Crosshair issue a few days ago, as you'll see it was recommended that I try the latest upgrade version 1188

So, it apparently hadn't been "pulled" and thus there was no "message"(as suggested in your most recent reply)

Kind of surprised that you'd provide an update that could cause so much damage(even if only accessible for a day)

Anyway, back to the issue at hand..In order to rectify that annoying Crosshair issue while being able to utilize my accustomed spreadsheet, I had to keep trying different combinations of unnamed versions in the Help Menu..

Net net, the combo that seems to have eventually worked was v1189/old spreadsheet

That being said, the only backup that would "work" was from Tuesday(4 days ago)..that's a bit too close for my comfort.

Before I abandon Wed-Friday forever, even though they're available in the Backup folder, is there anything to be done or are those files corrupted and beyond bringing back?

I'm upset about losing all the additions that I've made since Tuesday but that's a small sacrifice compared to not being able to access anything.

I only hope this "combo"(1189 + old spreadsheet) works like it had been when the market opens Monday.

I don't mean to brow beat you guys as god only knows how many things you're working on but as you might imagine, with the amount of work that I've put into building up my Sierra setup, this was a cause of a lot of anxiety.

Please advise on the questions raised above.



Chart Values/Crosshair