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Date/Time: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:10:12 +0000

Post From: ACSIL question

[2014-08-21 20:49:08]
User120827 - Posts: 77
Does anything stand out as wrong in this code ?

With the error I got compiling, it seems I forgot something when adding the extra code you gave me.
It seems I did not define something.

Does the "send order to trade service " item I added to settings menu look correct?


// The top of every source code file must include this line
#include "sierrachart.h"


  For reference, please refer to the Advanced Custom Study Interface
  and Language documentation on the Sierra Chart website.

// This line is required. Change the text within the quote
// marks to what you want to name your group of custom studies.
SCDLLName("Go Live")

SCSFExport scsf_SC_TradingCrossOverExample(SCStudyGraphRef sc)

  SCInputRef Line1Ref = sc.Input[0];
  SCInputRef Line2Ref = sc.Input[1];
  SCInputRef Enabled = sc.Input[2];
  SCSubgraphRef BuyEntry = sc.Subgraph[0];
  SCSubgraphRef SellEntry = sc.Subgraph[1];
  SCInputRef SendOrdersToService = sc.Input[10];


  if (sc.SetDefaults)

    // Set the configuration and defaults

    sc.GraphName = "Trading CrossOver Example";
    Enabled.Name = "Enabled";

    sc.StudyDescription = "An example .";

    sc.AutoLoop = 1; // true
    sc.GraphRegion = 0;
    sc.FreeDLL = 1;
    sc.CalculationPrecedence = LOW_PREC_LEVEL;
    sc.Input[3].Name = "Start Hour";

    sc.Input[4].Name = "Start Minute";

    sc.Input[5].Name = "End Hour";

    sc.Input[6].Name = "End Minute";

    Line1Ref.Name = "Line1";
    Line1Ref.SetStudySubgraphValues(1, 0);

    Line2Ref.Name = "Line2";
    Line2Ref.SetStudySubgraphValues(1, 0);

    BuyEntry.Name = "Buy";
    BuyEntry.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_POINTHIGH;
    BuyEntry.LineWidth = 3;

    SellEntry.Name = "Sell";
    SellEntry.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_POINTLOW;
    SellEntry.LineWidth = 3;
    sc.Input[7].Name = "Flatten and Cancel?";

    sc.AllowMultipleEntriesInSameDirection = false;
    sc.MaximumPositionAllowed = 5;
    sc.SupportReversals = true;

    // This is false by default. Orders will not go to the external connected trading service.
    sc.SendOrdersToTradeService = false;

    sc.AllowOppositeEntryWithOpposingPositionOrOrders = false;

    // This can be false in this function because we specify Attached Orders directly with the order which causes this to be considered true when submitting an order.
    sc.SupportAttachedOrdersForTrading = true;

    sc.CancelAllOrdersOnEntriesAndReversals= true;
    sc.AllowEntryWithWorkingOrders = false;
    sc.CancelAllWorkingOrdersOnExit = true;

    // Only 1 trade for each Order Action type is allowed per bar.
    sc.AllowOnlyOneTradePerBar = true;

    //This needs to be set to true when a trading study uses trading functions.
    sc.MaintainTradeStatisticsAndTradesData = true;
    SendOrdersToService.Name = "Send Orders to Trade Service";

  if (!Enabled.GetYesNo())

  // only process at the close of the bar; if it has not closed don't do anything
  if (sc.GetBarHasClosedStatus() == BHCS_BAR_HAS_NOT_CLOSED)
  int StartTime, EndTime, InputDate;
  SCDateTime StartDateTime, EndDateTime, InputDateTime1, InputDateTime2;

  InputDate = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetDate();
  InputDateTime1 = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index];
  InputDateTime2 = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index-1];

  StartTime = HMS_TIME(sc.Input[3].GetInt(), sc.Input[4].GetInt(), 0);
  StartDateTime = COMBINE_DATE_TIME(InputDate, StartTime);
  EndTime = HMS_TIME(sc.Input[5].GetInt(), sc.Input[6].GetInt(), 0);
  EndDateTime = COMBINE_DATE_TIME(InputDate, EndTime);

  // using the line1Ref and line2Ref input variables, retrieve the subgraph arrays into line1, line2 arrays respectively
  SCFloatArray line1;
  sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(Line1Ref.GetStudyID(), Line1Ref.GetSubgraphIndex(), line1);

  SCFloatArray line2;
  sc.GetStudyArrayUsingID(Line2Ref.GetStudyID(), Line2Ref.GetSubgraphIndex(), line2);
   sc.SendOrdersToTradeService = SendOrdersToService.GetYesNo();

  // code
  if (InputDateTime1 > StartDateTime && InputDateTime1 < EndDateTime)
  if (sc.CrossOver(line1, line2) == CROSS_FROM_BOTTOM)

    // mark the crossover on the chart
    BuyEntry[sc.Index] = 1;

    // Create a market order and enter long.
    s_SCNewOrder order;
    order.OrderQuantity = 1;
    order.OrderType = SCT_ORDERTYPE_MARKET;

  if (InputDateTime1 > StartDateTime && InputDateTime1 < EndDateTime)
  if (sc.CrossOver(line1, line2) == CROSS_FROM_TOP)

    // mark the crossover on the chart
    SellEntry[sc.Index] = 1;

    // create a market order and enter short
    s_SCNewOrder order;
    order.OrderQuantity = 1;
    order.OrderType = SCT_ORDERTYPE_MARKET;

   if (InputDateTime2 < EndDateTime && InputDateTime1 >= EndDateTime) && sc.Input[7].GetIndex() == 0)

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-08-21 21:04:19