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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:20:26 +0000

Post From: Simple... coding?

[2025-02-06 10:31:24]
Tin43 - Posts: 139
I'm using Gemini to try silly things.

I asked to write the code for the following:

I got a one minute Candlestick chart. I want you to set a buy market order is the candle is bullish and a sell market order is the candle is bearish.

I got this:


#include "sierrachart.h"

SCSFExport scsf_CandleColorTrader(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc)
SCInputRef Input_TradeQuantity = sc->AddStudyInput("Trade Quantity", ST_NUMBER);
Input_TradeQuantity->SetDescription("Trade Quantity for Orders");

if (sc->SetDefaults)
sc->GraphName = "Candle Color Trader";
sc->StudyDescription = "Buys on Bullish candles, Sells on Bearish candles on 1-minute chart.";
sc->Subgraph[0].Name = "Trades"; // Optional: you can have a subgraph to visualize trades if needed
sc->Subgraph[0].DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_INVISIBLE; // Make the subgraph invisible as it's just for trading
Input_TradeQuantity->SetInt(1); // Default trade quantity
sc->GraphRegion = 0;

if (!sc->IsFullRecalculation)

int tradeQuantity = Input_TradeQuantity->GetInt();
if (tradeQuantity <= 0)
tradeQuantity = 1;

static bool buyOrderPlacedForBar = false;
static bool sellOrderPlacedForBar = false;

if (sc->IsFullRecalculation) // Reset order flags on full recalculation (new bar or chart reload)
buyOrderPlacedForBar = false;
sellOrderPlacedForBar = false;

float openPrice = sc->Open[sc->Index];
float closePrice = sc->Close[sc->Index];

if (closePrice > openPrice) // Bullish candle: Close higher than Open
if (!buyOrderPlacedForBar)
SCString orderMessage;
orderMessage.Format("Buy Market Order, Bullish Candle, Price: %f", closePrice);
sc->AddMessageToLog(orderMessage, 1);

s_SCPositionData PositionData;

// Basic logic: only place buy if not already long or short
if (PositionData.PositionQuantity == 0 || PositionData.PositionQuantity < 0)
SCString submitMessage;
submitMessage.Format("BUY %d", tradeQuantity);
buyOrderPlacedForBar = true;
sellOrderPlacedForBar = false; // Reset sell flag
sc->AddMessageToLog("Not placing Buy order. Already in a Long position or not flat.", 1);
else if (closePrice < openPrice) // Bearish candle: Close lower than Open
if (!sellOrderPlacedForBar)
SCString orderMessage;
orderMessage.Format("Sell Market Order, Bearish Candle, Price: %f", closePrice);
sc->AddMessageToLog(orderMessage, 1);

s_SCPositionData PositionData;

// Basic logic: only place sell if not already short or long
if (PositionData.PositionQuantity == 0 || PositionData.PositionQuantity > 0)
SCString submitMessage;
submitMessage.Format("SELL %d", tradeQuantity);
sellOrderPlacedForBar = true;
buyOrderPlacedForBar = false; // Reset buy flag
sc->AddMessageToLog("Not placing Sell order. Already in a Short position or not flat.", 1);
else // Do nothing for Doji or neutral candles (Open == Close)
// Optionally, you can add a log message for Doji candles if you want
// sc->AddMessageToLog("Doji candle - No trade.", 1);


When i go to Analysis->Build Custom Study DLL->Select the file "candlebuysell.h" and hit Remote Build i got this:

Allow time for the server to compile the files and build the DLL.

Server: https://build.sierrachart.com
The remote build is complete.
The build failed.
The compiler response is empty.

-- End of Build -- 05:19:48

Anyone knows what is happening?

If I save the file as CCP it throws tons of errors.

to be honest i do not want help coding. I want to know if I have set the compiler or whatsoever correctly.

I got this on Visual C++Path:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build

I downloaded visual studio DEsktop C++ and the "MVSC v140 - VS 2015 C++ built tools (v14.0)" as i saw on another thread.