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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 11:49:08 +0000

Post From: Rithmic connections stopped working 23:45 CDT

[2025-02-05 08:57:32]
User926731 - Posts: 9
This was for me the Solution provided by Sierrachart. Look at the Sierrachart Version. The Downgrade was the path of Light :-)

With Sierra Chart version 2727 and higher, we no longer support data from Rithmic. As such, you need to do one of two things:
- Downgrade to version 2726 and use the Rithmic data. Follow these instructions to downgrade:
Software Download: Full Control Rollback Procedure

- Stay on the version you are on and use the data from our Denali Exchange Data Feed. Since you have an account with AMP, you do not need to worry about an account to qualify as a non-professional. You just need to follow the instructions at the following link:
Denali Exchange Data Feed: *Setup Instructions: CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Exchanges*