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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:58:27 +0000

Post From: Updated to current SC version, but One chartbook no longer getting full data download

[2025-02-05 03:32:57]
cmack1011 - Posts: 85
Thx for quick reply

I think I fixed the issue, but I cannot tell if a study is still crashing?? Here is the latest log

2025-02-05 03:10:58.028 | Trade activity files set size: 180
2025-02-05 03:10:58.074 | Created the DTC Protocol server.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.075 | DTC Protocol Server listening on port 11099.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.075 | Reading Internal Order ID file.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.087 | Reading Trade Orders file.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.087 | Reading Trade Positions file.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.087 | Reading Trade Account Data files.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Software version: 2735 64-bit
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Primary Thread ID: 9520
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Usage end date: 2025-06-19
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Enabled for exchange2: CME
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Enabled for exchange2: NASDAQ TotalView US stock data
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Enabled for exchange2: US Equities Consolidated Tape
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Enabled for exchange2: US Equities Consolidated Tape with Depth
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Teton CME Routing
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Custom symbol settings values: enabled
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Chart Update Interval: 400
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Time Zone: +00:00:00 (UTC+00)
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | 2025-02-05 03:10:58 Local computer time in UTC
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | 2025-02-05 03:10:58 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | 2025-02-05 03:10:48 Server time in UTC
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 9 seconds.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Notice: Your computer's clock is off by 9 seconds. Set the 'Global Settings >> NTP Settings >> NTP Client Enable' to 'Yes'.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Program path: C:\SierraChartOctopi\
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Locale Setting: C
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | DLLs: ETFISv3.dll, ETFISv3_64.dll, ETOFSv3_64.dll, libzmq-mt-4_3_5.dll, OctoPi_Trader_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_SWS_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_ZZS_64.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Allowed protected custom studies: Emoji Trading Free Indicator Sampler v3, TWFX_Free
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 | Crash reporter started: true
2025-02-05 03:10:58.088 |
2025-02-05 03:10:58.104 | Created the DTC Protocol historical data server.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.105 | HD Server Manager | Listening on port 11098.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.105 | Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading. Request ID: 1.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.124 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.160 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.160 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.253 | Received 5 login tokens.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.607 | Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1.
2025-02-05 03:10:58.607 | Symbol settings are up-to-date for sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading.
2025-02-05 03:11:00.620 | Requested user files to download.
2025-02-05 03:11:00.915 | File to download: TWFX_FREE_SWS_64.dll. Action: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:00.919 | File to download: TWFX_FREE_ZZS_64.dll. Action: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:00.921 | File to download: TWFX_FREE_64.dll. Action: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:00.928 | User files to download complete
2025-02-05 03:11:02.620 |
2025-02-05 03:11:02.620 | Teton CME Routing | Firm: IronBeam
2025-02-05 03:11:02.623 | Teton CME Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading10.sierracharts.com. Port 11085
2025-02-05 03:11:02.625 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.625 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 03:11:02.625 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 03:11:02.647 | Teton CME Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.647 | Teton CME Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.647 | Teton CME Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2025-02-05 03:11:02.704 | Teton CME Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 03:11:02.704 | Teton CME Routing | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=51528.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink3.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | Trading is supported.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:02.785 | Teton CME Routing | Connected to server complete.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.786 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 03:11:02.786 | Teton CME Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2025-02-05 03:11:02.803 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 03:11:02
2025-02-05 03:11:02.820 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-09 16:44:56.066887
2025-02-05 03:11:03.395 | Teton CME Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=23150536
2025-02-05 03:11:05.838 | Files to Open on Startup | File does not exist: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ExampleChartbook.cht
2025-02-05 03:11:08.173 | Created process C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_2\SierraChart_64.exe. Current folder: C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_2
2025-02-05 03:11:08.415 | Created process C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_3\SierraChart_64.exe. Current folder: C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_3
2025-02-05 03:11:08.678 | Created process C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_4\SierraChart_64.exe. Current folder: C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_4
2025-02-05 03:11:18.843 | DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from
2025-02-05 03:11:18.843 | DTC client #1. (2) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 03:11:18.843 | DTC client #1. (2) | New receive buffer size: 262144
2025-02-05 03:11:18.844 | DTC client #1. (2) | Allocated send buffers: 32 of 131072 bytes.
2025-02-05 03:11:18.844 | DTC client #1. | Set DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 03:11:18.845 | DTC client #1. | Requested heartbeat interval: 20
2025-02-05 03:11:18.845 | DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. | Received logon request.
2025-02-05 03:11:18.845 | DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. | Sent successful Logon response message to client. Username: cmack1011. Result text: Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading|SymbolSettings=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2025-02-05 03:11:19.124 | DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from
2025-02-05 03:11:19.125 | DTC client #2. (3) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 03:11:19.125 | DTC client #2. (3) | New receive buffer size: 262144
2025-02-05 03:11:19.125 | DTC client #2. (3) | Allocated send buffers: 32 of 131072 bytes.
2025-02-05 03:11:19.126 | DTC client #2. | Set DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 03:11:19.129 | DTC client #2. | Requested heartbeat interval: 20
2025-02-05 03:11:19.129 | DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Received logon request.
2025-02-05 03:11:19.129 | DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Sent successful Logon response message to client. Username: cmack1011. Result text: Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading|SymbolSettings=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2025-02-05 03:11:19.437 | DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from
2025-02-05 03:11:19.437 | DTC client #3. (4) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 03:11:19.437 | DTC client #3. (4) | New receive buffer size: 262144
2025-02-05 03:11:19.438 | DTC client #3. (4) | Allocated send buffers: 32 of 131072 bytes.
2025-02-05 03:11:19.439 | DTC client #3. | Set DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 03:11:19.440 | DTC client #3. | Requested heartbeat interval: 20
2025-02-05 03:11:19.440 | DTC client #3. Sierra Chart. | Received logon request.
2025-02-05 03:11:19.440 | DTC client #3. Sierra Chart. | Sent successful Logon response message to client. Username: cmack1011. Result text: Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading|SymbolSettings=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2025-02-05 03:11:22.809 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate: Sending request.
2025-02-05 03:11:23.063 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate | Result: {"Result":"The Funded Trading Account Status Expiration Date is more than 25 days into the future. The Date is currently: 2025-03-05"}. Success=true
2025-02-05 03:11:44.702 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\TWFX_FREE.dll (TWFX_FREE_64.dll). Handle: 7ffd8d1c0000
2025-02-05 03:11:44.727 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.727 | Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer
2025-02-05 03:11:44.727 | Starting HDTimeoutTimer
2025-02-05 03:11:44.727 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.728 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.735 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #1 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1,
2025-02-05 03:11:44.752 | Mapping NQH25_FUT_CME to NQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 03:11:44.752 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2025-02-05 03:11:44.752 | HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 03:11:44.753 | HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 03:09:31.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 03:09:31.597000
2025-02-05 03:11:44.753 | HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 03:11:44.753 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.753 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 03:11:44.753 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 03:11:44.835 | HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 03:11:44.835 | HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.920 | HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 03:09:31. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 03:11:44.957 | HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.997 | HD Request # 1 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 03:09:31.597000
2025-02-05 03:11:44.997 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.997 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.998 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.998 | HD Request # 1 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 03:09:41.955000.
2025-02-05 03:11:44.998 | HD Request # 1 | Received 136 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 03:09:31.597000 to 2025-02-05 03:11:27.189000 (115.6 seconds. Delay: 17.8 seconds) and wrote 135 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:45.005 | HD Request # 1 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 03:11:27.189000
2025-02-05 03:11:45.005 | HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.005 | HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:45.005 | Removing historical data download ID 1.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.005 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:45.006 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:45.006 | HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.006 |
2025-02-05 03:11:45.006 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.006 | Historical data for NQH25_FUT_CME is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.034 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.034 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.066 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #1 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.067 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #1 | Reloading chart. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:45.286 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 03:11:45.286 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds25.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2025-02-05 03:11:45.287 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:45.305 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:45.305 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 03:11:45.305 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:45.340 | DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.340 | DTC Client socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 03:11:45.340 | DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 03:11:45.377 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.377 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.377 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 03:11:45.424 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 03:11:45.424 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME -> NQH25
2025-02-05 03:11:45.896 | Delaying start of download for NQH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 03:11:46.023 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 03:11:46.023 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:47.803 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 03:11:47.941 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:48.922 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 03:11:48.946 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:11:48.946 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:11:48.969 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:11:48.980 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:11:48.985 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 2,
2025-02-05 03:11:51.728 | HD Request # 2 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 03:11:51.729 | HD Request # 2 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 03:11:27.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 03:11:27.189000
2025-02-05 03:11:51.729 | HD Request # 2 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 03:11:51.733 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.733 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 03:11:51.733 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 03:11:51.818 | HD Request # 2 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 03:11:51.818 | HD Request # 2 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.901 | HD Request # 2 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 03:11:27. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 03:11:51.939 | HD Request # 2 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.975 | HD Request # 2 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 03:11:27.186000
2025-02-05 03:11:51.976 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.976 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.977 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.977 | HD Request # 2 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 03:11:35.152000.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.977 | HD Request # 2 | Received 4 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 03:11:27.186000 to 2025-02-05 03:11:35.152000 (8.0 seconds. Delay: 16.8 seconds) and wrote 1 record for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | HD Request # 2 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 03:11:35.152000
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | Added 1 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for NQH25_FUT_CME after download.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | HD Request # 2 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 2
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | Removing historical data download ID 2.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | HD Request # 2 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 |
2025-02-05 03:11:51.989 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 03:11:52.012 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 03:11:52.012 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 03:11:52.057 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 03:11:52.058 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Reloading chart. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 03:11:53.806 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 1144
2025-02-05 03:11:55.953 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 03:11:55.976 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:11:55.976 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:11:56.001 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:12:06.478 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 52 *
2025-02-05 03:12:16.070 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 16 *
2025-02-05 03:12:25.778 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 11 *
2025-02-05 03:12:35.395 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 24 *
2025-02-05 03:12:45.118 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 23 *
2025-02-05 03:12:55.247 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 16 *
2025-02-05 03:13:05.363 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 31 *
2025-02-05 03:13:15.051 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 16 *
2025-02-05 03:13:24.929 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 18 *
2025-02-05 03:13:34.536 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 32 *
2025-02-05 03:13:44.175 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 30 *
2025-02-05 03:13:53.948 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 33 *
2025-02-05 03:14:04.238 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 27 * | Number times message added: 11
2025-02-05 03:14:07.902 | Unsubscribed from market depth data for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:14:07.928 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:14:19.116 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 22 *
2025-02-05 03:14:29.382 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 16 *
2025-02-05 03:14:39.290 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 16 *
2025-02-05 03:14:48.950 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 9 *
2025-02-05 03:14:59.250 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 15 *
2025-02-05 03:15:08.929 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 18 *
2025-02-05 03:15:18.514 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 15 *
2025-02-05 03:15:28.085 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 12 *
2025-02-05 03:15:37.848 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 10 * | Number times message added: 2
2025-02-05 03:15:39.324 | Saved Chartbook: ES focus.Cht. Time: 0.0023 seconds.
2025-02-05 03:15:55.888 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:15:59.754 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:15:59.754 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:15:59.818 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:16:03.701 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:16:03.701 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:16:03.814 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:16:13.611 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 25 *
2025-02-05 03:16:23.640 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 16 *
2025-02-05 03:16:33.609 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 21 * | Number times message added: 12
2025-02-05 03:16:43.089 | Saved Chartbook: ES focus.Cht. Time: 0.0035 seconds.
2025-02-05 03:17:09.032 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:17:12.942 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:17:12.942 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:17:13.034 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:17:16.908 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:17:16.908 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:17:16.913 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 03:17:26.876 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 14 *
2025-02-05 03:17:38.532 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 13 *
2025-02-05 03:17:49.479 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 12 *
2025-02-05 03:17:59.001 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 4 *
2025-02-05 03:18:08.754 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 14 *
2025-02-05 03:18:19.378 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 13 *
2025-02-05 03:18:30.235 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 15 *
2025-02-05 03:18:40.118 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 17 *
2025-02-05 03:18:49.649 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 17 *
2025-02-05 03:18:59.197 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 20 *
2025-02-05 03:19:09.158 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 17 *
2025-02-05 03:19:19.274 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 26 *
2025-02-05 03:19:29.865 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 19 *
2025-02-05 03:19:39.467 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 23 *
2025-02-05 03:19:49.247 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 20 *
2025-02-05 03:19:59.278 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 14 *
2025-02-05 03:20:08.879 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #1 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 17 *
2025-02-05 03:20:08.992 | Source file does not exist when saving backup of C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ES focus.Cht. No backup made.
2025-02-05 03:20:08.995 | Saved Chartbook: ES focus.Cht. Time: 0.0030 seconds.
2025-02-05 03:20:29.109 | NQH25_FUT_CME 1 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:20:30.148 | NQH25_FUT_CME[M] 1 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:20:53.480 | Chartbook file not found: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ES focus.Cht *
2025-02-05 03:22:14.894 | DTC client #3. Sierra Chart. | Received subscribe to market depth for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:22:14.894 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 03:22:15.044 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:23:38.144 | Unsubscribed from market depth data for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 03:30:12.898 | ESZ4.CME [CV] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.898 | ESZ4.CME [CV] 1 Day #1 | Symbol Settings not found for symbol. Unable to build continuous futures contract chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.898 | ESZ4.CME [CV] 1 Day #1 | There are no continuous futures contract symbols. Loading data normally.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.910 | ESZ4.CME/MESZ4.CME [CBV] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.910 | ESZ4.CME/MESZ4.CME [CBV] #2 | Symbol Settings not found for symbol. Unable to build continuous futures contract chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.910 | ESZ4.CME/MESZ4.CME [CBV] #2 | There are no continuous futures contract symbols. Loading data normally.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.921 | ESZ4.CME [C] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.921 | ESZ4.CME [C] 1439 Min #3 | Symbol Settings not found for symbol. Unable to build continuous futures contract chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.921 | ESZ4.CME [C] 1439 Min #3 | There are no continuous futures contract symbols. Loading data normally.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.923 | Searching for files containing emojiLabs returned empty result. *
2025-02-05 03:30:12.923 | Error loading: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\emojiLabs.dll. File not found or may be missing SCDLLName line.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.938 | ESZ4.CME [C] 15 Sec #11 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.938 | ESZ4.CME [C] 15 Sec #11 | Symbol Settings not found for symbol. Unable to build continuous futures contract chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.938 | ESZ4.CME [C] 15 Sec #11 | There are no continuous futures contract symbols. Loading data normally.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.948 | ESZ4.CME [CB] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.948 | ESZ4.CME [CB] 1439 Min #5 | Symbol Settings not found for symbol. Unable to build continuous futures contract chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.948 | ESZ4.CME [CB] 1439 Min #5 | There are no continuous futures contract symbols. Loading data normally.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.978 | ESZ4.CME/MESZ4.CME 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.996 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.996 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Symbol Settings not found for symbol. Unable to build continuous futures contract chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:12.996 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | There are no continuous futures contract symbols. Loading data normally.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.021 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME 15 Min #6 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.039 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [CBV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.039 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [CBV] #7 | Symbol Settings not found for symbol. Unable to build continuous futures contract chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.039 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [CBV] #7 | There are no continuous futures contract symbols. Loading data normally.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.072 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME 30 Min #8 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.084 | ESZ4.CME 15 Sec #9 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.095 | ESZ4.CME 15 Sec #10 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.115 | RTYZ4.CME/M2KZ4.CME #12 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.131 | YMZ4.CBOT/MYMZ4.CBOT #13 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.146 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME #15 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.153 | ESZ4.CME [CV-D] 1 Day #1 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.154 | ESZ4.CME [CV-D] 1 Day #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.162 | ESZ4.CME/MESZ4.CME [CBV-D] #2 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.164 | ESZ4.CME/MESZ4.CME [CBV-D] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.166 | ESZ4.CME [C-D] 1439 Min #3 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.166 | ESZ4.CME [C-D] 1439 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.177 | ESZ4.CME [C-D] 15 Sec #11 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.187 | ESZ4.CME [C-D] 15 Sec #11 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.189 | ESZ4.CME [CB-D] 1439 Min #5 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.189 | ESZ4.CME [CB-D] 1439 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.197 | ESZ4.CME/MESZ4.CME 30 Min #14 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.208 | ESZ4.CME/MESZ4.CME 30 Min #14 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.211 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [C-D] 15 Sec #4 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.211 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [C-D] 15 Sec #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.213 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME 15 Min #6 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.213 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME 15 Min #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.215 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [CBV-D] #7 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.215 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME [CBV-D] #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.217 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME 30 Min #8 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.217 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME 30 Min #8 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.218 | ESZ4.CME 15 Sec #9 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.218 | ESZ4.CME 15 Sec #9 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.220 | ESZ4.CME 15 Sec #10 | Currently no data in file to display. Will start historical data download and real-time updates. File: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESZ4.CME.scid
2025-02-05 03:30:13.220 | ESZ4.CME 15 Sec #10 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.227 | RTYZ4.CME/M2KZ4.CME #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 03:30:13.228 | RTYZ4.CME/M2KZ4.CME #12 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.255 | YMZ4.CBOT/MYMZ4.CBOT #13 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 03:30:13.256 | YMZ4.CBOT/MYMZ4.CBOT #13 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.263 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME #15 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 03:30:13.263 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME #15 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | Teton CME Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESZ4.CME. ID: 2
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | Teton CME Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: ESZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting security definition data for: ESZ4.CME. ID: 2
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | Teton CME Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESZ4.CME. ID: 3
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | Teton CME Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: MESZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting security definition data for: MESZ4.CME. ID: 3
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | No historical data client is currently set to download historical Intraday data for ESZ4.CME.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.329 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | Teton CME Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQZ4.CME. ID: 4
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | Teton CME Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: NQZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting security definition data for: NQZ4.CME. ID: 4
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | Teton CME Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQZ4.CME. ID: 5
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | Teton CME Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: MNQZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting security definition data for: MNQZ4.CME. ID: 5
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | No historical data client is currently set to download historical Intraday data for NQZ4.CME.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.330 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | RTYZ4.CME/M2KZ4.CME #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | Teton CME Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYZ4.CME. ID: 6
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | Teton CME Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: RTYZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting security definition data for: RTYZ4.CME. ID: 6
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | Teton CME Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: M2KZ4.CME. ID: 7
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | Teton CME Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: M2KZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting security definition data for: M2KZ4.CME. ID: 7
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | No historical data client is currently set to download historical Intraday data for RTYZ4.CME.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTYZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.331 | Intraday chart data file opened for RTYZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | NQZ4.CME/MNQZ4.CME #15 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | YMZ4.CBOT/MYMZ4.CBOT #13 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | Teton CME Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMZ4.CBOT. ID: 8
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | Teton CME Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: YMZ4.CBOT
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting security definition data for: YMZ4.CBOT. ID: 8
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | Teton CME Routing | Starting real-time market data updates for: MYMZ4.CBOT. ID: 9
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | Teton CME Routing | Subscribing to streaming market data in the service client is not supported. Symbol: MYMZ4.CBOT
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting security definition data for: MYMZ4.CBOT. ID: 9
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | No historical data client is currently set to download historical Intraday data for YMZ4.CBOT.
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for YMZ4.CBOT
2025-02-05 03:30:13.332 | Intraday chart data file opened for YMZ4.CBOT
2025-02-05 03:30:13.348 | Teton CME Routing | Security Definition request has been rejected. Reason: Unsupported symbol: ESZ4.CME. ID = 2
2025-02-05 03:30:13.348 | Teton CME Routing | Security Definition request has been rejected. Reason: Unsupported symbol: MESZ4.CME. ID = 3
2025-02-05 03:30:13.348 | Teton CME Routing | Security Definition request has been rejected. Reason: Unsupported symbol: NQZ4.CME. ID = 4
2025-02-05 03:30:13.365 | Teton CME Routing | Security Definition request has been rejected. Reason: Unsupported symbol: MNQZ4.CME. ID = 5
2025-02-05 03:30:13.365 | Teton CME Routing | Security Definition request has been rejected. Reason: Unsupported symbol: RTYZ4.CME. ID = 6
2025-02-05 03:30:13.365 | Teton CME Routing | Security Definition request has been rejected. Reason: Unsupported symbol: M2KZ4.CME. ID = 7
2025-02-05 03:30:13.436 | Teton CME Routing | Security Definition request has been rejected. Reason: Unsupported symbol: YMZ4.CBOT. ID = 8
2025-02-05 03:30:13.436 | Teton CME Routing | Security Definition request has been rejected. Reason: Unsupported symbol: MYMZ4.CBOT. ID = 9
2025-02-05 03:30:13.496 | Requesting market depth updates for: ESZ4.CME if supported. NumLevels=1400
2025-02-05 03:30:13.496 | Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. ESZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.496 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQZ4.CME if supported. NumLevels=1400
2025-02-05 03:30:13.496 | Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. NQZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.496 | Requesting market depth updates for: RTYZ4.CME if supported. NumLevels=1400
2025-02-05 03:30:13.496 | Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. RTYZ4.CME
2025-02-05 03:30:13.496 | Requesting market depth updates for: YMZ4.CBOT if supported. NumLevels=1400
2025-02-05 03:30:13.496 | Separate subscription for market depth updates not supported. YMZ4.CBOT
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2025-02-05 14:45:54