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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 14:58:27 +0000

Post From: Updated to current SC version, but One chartbook no longer getting full data download

[2025-02-05 00:45:25]
cmack1011 - Posts: 85
Please see message log for a chartbook that is not getting full data download. Please advise

2025-02-05 00:01:55.524 | Trade activity files set size: 179
2025-02-05 00:01:55.572 | Created the DTC Protocol server.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.574 | DTC Protocol Server listening on port 11099.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.574 | Reading Internal Order ID file.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.584 | Reading Trade Orders file.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.584 | Reading Trade Positions file.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.584 | Reading Trade Account Data files.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Software version: 2735 64-bit
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Primary Thread ID: 9376
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Usage end date: 2025-06-19
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Enabled for exchange2: CME
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Enabled for exchange2: NASDAQ TotalView US stock data
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Enabled for exchange2: US Equities Consolidated Tape
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Enabled for exchange2: US Equities Consolidated Tape with Depth
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Teton CME Routing
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Custom symbol settings values: enabled
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Chart Update Interval: 400
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Time Zone: +00:00:00 (UTC+00)
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | 2025-02-05 00:01:55 Local computer time in UTC
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | 2025-02-05 00:01:55 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | 2025-02-05 00:01:46 Server time in UTC
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 9 seconds.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Notice: Your computer's clock is off by 9 seconds. Set the 'Global Settings >> NTP Settings >> NTP Client Enable' to 'Yes'.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Program path: C:\SierraChartOctopi\
2025-02-05 00:01:55.585 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\
2025-02-05 00:01:55.586 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2025-02-05 00:01:55.586 | Locale Setting: C
2025-02-05 00:01:55.586 | DLLs: ETFISv3.dll, ETFISv3_64.dll, ETOFSv3_64.dll, libzmq-mt-4_3_5.dll, OctoPi_Trader_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_SWS_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_ZZS_64.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2025-02-05 00:01:55.586 | Allowed protected custom studies: Emoji Trading Free Indicator Sampler v3, TWFX_Free
2025-02-05 00:01:55.586 | Crash reporter started: true
2025-02-05 00:01:55.586 |
2025-02-05 00:01:55.602 | Created the DTC Protocol historical data server.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.603 | HD Server Manager | Listening on port 11098.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.603 | Checking for new symbol settings. Requested symbol settings MD5 for service code sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading. Request ID: 1.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.701 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.738 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:01:55.738 | HTTPS connection ID:1 to login.sierrachart.com:443 for request ID:1 (1) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:01:56.177 | Symbol settings MD5 received. Request ID: 1.
2025-02-05 00:01:56.177 | Symbol settings are up-to-date for sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading.
2025-02-05 00:01:57.703 | Received 5 login tokens.
2025-02-05 00:01:58.095 | Requested user files to download.
2025-02-05 00:01:58.390 | File to download: TWFX_FREE_SWS_64.dll. Action: 1
2025-02-05 00:01:58.394 | File to download: TWFX_FREE_ZZS_64.dll. Action: 1
2025-02-05 00:01:58.396 | File to download: TWFX_FREE_64.dll. Action: 1
2025-02-05 00:01:58.404 | User files to download complete
2025-02-05 00:02:00.096 |
2025-02-05 00:02:00.096 | Teton CME Routing | Firm: IronBeam
2025-02-05 00:02:00.098 | Teton CME Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading10.sierracharts.com. Port 11085
2025-02-05 00:02:00.152 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.153 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:02:00.153 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:02:00.170 | Teton CME Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.170 | Teton CME Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.171 | Teton CME Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2025-02-05 00:02:00.228 | Teton CME Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:02:00.228 | Teton CME Routing | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=51528.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink3.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | Trading is supported.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:02:00.307 | Teton CME Routing | Connected to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.308 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:02:00.308 | Teton CME Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2025-02-05 00:02:00.326 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:02:00
2025-02-05 00:02:00.346 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-09 16:44:56.066887
2025-02-05 00:02:00.880 | Teton CME Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=23150536
2025-02-05 00:02:03.328 | Files to Open on Startup | File does not exist: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ExampleChartbook.cht
2025-02-05 00:02:05.732 | Created process C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_2\SierraChart_64.exe. Current folder: C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_2
2025-02-05 00:02:06.008 | Created process C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_3\SierraChart_64.exe. Current folder: C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_3
2025-02-05 00:02:06.255 | Created process C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_4\SierraChart_64.exe. Current folder: C:\SierraChartOctopi\SierraChartInstance_4
2025-02-05 00:02:16.491 | DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from
2025-02-05 00:02:16.492 | DTC client #1. (2) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:02:16.492 | DTC client #1. (2) | New receive buffer size: 262144
2025-02-05 00:02:16.493 | DTC client #1. (2) | Allocated send buffers: 32 of 131072 bytes.
2025-02-05 00:02:16.499 | DTC client #1. | Set DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:02:16.502 | DTC client #1. | Requested heartbeat interval: 20
2025-02-05 00:02:16.502 | DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. | Received logon request.
2025-02-05 00:02:16.502 | DTC client #1. Sierra Chart. | Sent successful Logon response message to client. Username: cmack1011. Result text: Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading|SymbolSettings=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2025-02-05 00:02:16.981 | DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from
2025-02-05 00:02:16.982 | DTC client #2. (3) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:02:16.982 | DTC client #2. (3) | New receive buffer size: 262144
2025-02-05 00:02:16.982 | DTC client #2. (3) | Allocated send buffers: 32 of 131072 bytes.
2025-02-05 00:02:16.983 | DTC client #2. | Set DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:02:16.985 | DTC client #2. | Requested heartbeat interval: 20
2025-02-05 00:02:16.985 | DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Received logon request.
2025-02-05 00:02:16.985 | DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Sent successful Logon response message to client. Username: cmack1011. Result text: Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading|SymbolSettings=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2025-02-05 00:02:17.111 | DTC Protocol server | Incoming connection from
2025-02-05 00:02:17.112 | DTC client #3. (4) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:02:17.112 | DTC client #3. (4) | New receive buffer size: 262144
2025-02-05 00:02:17.112 | DTC client #3. (4) | Allocated send buffers: 32 of 131072 bytes.
2025-02-05 00:02:17.113 | DTC client #3. | Set DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:02:17.114 | DTC client #3. | Requested heartbeat interval: 20
2025-02-05 00:02:17.114 | DTC client #3. Sierra Chart. | Received logon request.
2025-02-05 00:02:17.114 | DTC client #3. Sierra Chart. | Sent successful Logon response message to client. Username: cmack1011. Result text: Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading|SymbolSettings=sc_futures_direct.dtc.trading
2025-02-05 00:02:20.330 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate: Sending request.
2025-02-05 00:02:20.582 | ExtendTheFundedTradingAccountStatusExpirationDate | Result: {"Result":"The Funded Trading Account Status Expiration Date is more than 25 days into the future. The Date is currently: 2025-03-05"}. Success=true
2025-02-05 00:03:16.577 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB] #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.582 | Starting DelayedDownloadMonitoringTimer
2025-02-05 00:03:16.582 | Starting HDTimeoutTimer
2025-02-05 00:03:16.583 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.584 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.618 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB] #1 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 1,
2025-02-05 00:03:16.680 | Mapping ESH25_FUT_CME to ESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:03:16.680 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2025-02-05 00:03:16.680 | HD Request # 1 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH25_FUT_CME to the file ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:03:16.681 | HD Request # 1 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:05.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:05.000000
2025-02-05 00:03:16.681 | HD Request # 1 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:03:16.682 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.682 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:03:16.682 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:03:16.786 | HD Request # 1 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:03:16.786 | HD Request # 1 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.882 | HD Request # 1 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:05. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH25
2025-02-05 00:03:16.921 | HD Request # 1 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.960 | HD Request # 1 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:01:05.000000
2025-02-05 00:03:16.961 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.961 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.962 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.962 | HD Request # 1 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:01:09.693000.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.962 | HD Request # 1 | Received 302 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:01:05.000000 to 2025-02-05 00:03:04.267000 (119.3 seconds. Delay: 12.7 seconds) and wrote 301 records for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | HD Request # 1 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:03:04.267000
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | HD Request # 1 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | HD Request # 1 | Intraday data download complete for ESH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 1
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | Removing historical data download ID 1.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | HD Request # 1 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 |
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:03:16.970 | Historical data for ESH25_FUT_CME is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.004 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.004 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.075 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB] #1 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.077 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB] #1 | Reloading chart. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:03:17.184 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:03:17.185 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds26-2.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2025-02-05 00:03:17.185 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 1
2025-02-05 00:03:17.185 | Mapping MESH25_FUT_CME to MESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:03:17.185 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 2 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:03:17.185 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 2
2025-02-05 00:03:17.202 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:17.202 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:03:17.202 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:17.202 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:17.202 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:03:17.202 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:17.243 | DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.243 | DTC Client socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:03:17.243 | DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:03:17.280 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.280 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.280 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:03:17.347 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:03:17.347 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME -> ESH25
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME -> MESH25
2025-02-05 00:03:17.851 | Delaying start of download for ESH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 00:03:17.972 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:03:17.972 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:17.972 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:03:17.972 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:22.590 | HD Request # 2 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH25_FUT_CME to the file ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:03:22.590 | HD Request # 2 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:03:04.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:03:04.267000
2025-02-05 00:03:22.590 | HD Request # 2 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:03:22.591 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:03:22.591 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:03:22.591 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:03:22.789 | HD Request # 2 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:03:22.789 | HD Request # 2 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.064 | HD Request # 2 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:03:04. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH25
2025-02-05 00:03:23.103 | HD Request # 2 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.141 | HD Request # 2 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:03:04.060000
2025-02-05 00:03:23.141 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.141 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.142 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.142 | HD Request # 2 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:03:07.882000.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.142 | HD Request # 2 | Received 93 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:03:04.060000 to 2025-02-05 00:03:12.895001 (8.8 seconds. Delay: 10.2 seconds) and wrote 68 records for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | HD Request # 2 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:03:12.895001
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | Added 17 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESH25_FUT_CME after download.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | HD Request # 2 | Intraday data download complete for ESH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 2
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | Removing historical data download ID 2.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | HD Request # 2 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 |
2025-02-05 00:03:23.146 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.193 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:03:23.193 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:03:26.731 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:04:17.287 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.215 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.219 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.219 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.253 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1 Day #1 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 3,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.267 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.303 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 3,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.313 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.349 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #5 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 3,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.360 | Loading DLL: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\TWFX_FREE.dll (TWFX_FREE_64.dll). Handle: 7ffd891c0000
2025-02-05 00:06:20.386 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.392 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #14 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 3,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.403 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.440 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 3,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.453 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.453 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.453 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.461 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.502 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #7 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.509 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.510 | Added historical Intraday data request for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.515 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 5,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.522 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.522 | Added historical Intraday data request for YMH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.526 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 6,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.533 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #15 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.538 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #15 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 3,
2025-02-05 00:06:20.550 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.608 | Mapping NQH25_FUT_CME to NQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:20.608 | HD Request # 3 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:20.608 | HD Request # 3 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:05.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:05.269000
2025-02-05 00:06:20.609 | HD Request # 3 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:06:20.645 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 3 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:20.645 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 3
2025-02-05 00:06:20.645 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:06:20.662 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:20.662 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:06:20.662 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:20.674 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.674 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:06:20.674 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:06:20.792 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:20.792 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:06:20.792 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:20.807 | HD Request # 3 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:06:20.807 | HD Request # 3 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:06:20.994 | HD Request # 3 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:05. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 00:06:21.032 | HD Request # 3 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.077 | HD Request # 3 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:01:05.269000
2025-02-05 00:06:21.078 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.078 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.078 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.078 | HD Request # 3 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:01:06.782000.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.078 | HD Request # 3 | Received 737 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:01:05.269000 to 2025-02-05 00:06:08.544000 (5.1 minutes. Delay: 12.5 seconds) and wrote 736 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | HD Request # 3 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:06:08.544000
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | HD Request # 3 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | HD Request # 3 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 3
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | Removing historical data download ID 3.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | HD Request # 3 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 |
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.083 | Mapping NQZ24_FUT_CME to NQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.084 | HD Request # 4 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the file NQZ24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.084 | HD Request # 4 | Download start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.000000. File last date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:06:21.085 | HD Request # 4 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:06:21.085 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.085 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:06:21.085 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:06:21.092 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #15 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.093 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #15 | Reloading chart. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:06:21.115 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.115 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.121 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.121 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.131 | Mapping MNQH25_FUT_CME to MNQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.131 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 5 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.131 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 5
2025-02-05 00:06:21.140 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #14 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.140 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.157 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.157 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:06:21.157 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.157 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.167 | HD Request # 4 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:06:21.167 | HD Request # 4 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.196 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 4,
2025-02-05 00:06:21.203 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1 Day #1 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.203 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.230 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:06:21.230 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.249 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.250 | HD Request # 4 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:06:21.287 | HD Request # 4 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.295 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #5 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.296 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.323 | HD Request # 4 | Receiving Intraday data for NQZ24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:06:21.323 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.323 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | HD Request # 4 | Received 1 Intraday data record from 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 to 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 (0.0 seconds. Delay: 46.4 days) and wrote 0 records for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | HD Request # 4 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | HD Request # 4 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | HD Request # 4 | Intraday data download complete for NQZ24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 4
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | Removing historical data download ID 4.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | HD Request # 4 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 |
2025-02-05 00:06:21.324 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.325 | Mapping RTYH25_FUT_CME to RTYH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.325 | HD Request # 5 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the file RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.325 | HD Request # 5 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:04.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:04.441001
2025-02-05 00:06:21.325 | HD Request # 5 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:06:21.325 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.325 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:06:21.325 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:06:21.342 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:06:21.343 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.343 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.343 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.364 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.364 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.366 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #7 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.366 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.387 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.388 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.391 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.442 | HD Request # 5 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:06:21.442 | HD Request # 5 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.447 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.447 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.474 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.548 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.562 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.562 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 4
2025-02-05 00:06:21.562 | Mapping MNQZ24_FUT_CME to MNQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.562 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 7 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.562 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 7
2025-02-05 00:06:21.578 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.578 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME to 234
2025-02-05 00:06:21.578 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.578 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.578 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME to 227
2025-02-05 00:06:21.578 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.642 | HD Request # 5 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:01:04. Record interval: 0. Symbol: RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:06:21.678 | HD Request # 5 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.699 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.699 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.699 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.699 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.702 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.719 | HD Request # 5 | Receiving Intraday data for RTYH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:01:04.441000
2025-02-05 00:06:21.719 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.719 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.761 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.761 | HD Request # 5 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:01:09.693000.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.761 | HD Request # 5 | Received 117 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:01:04.441000 to 2025-02-05 00:06:10.469000 (5.1 minutes. Delay: 11.3 seconds) and wrote 115 records for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.763 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.763 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.767 | HD Request # 5 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:06:10.469000
2025-02-05 00:06:21.767 | HD Request # 5 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.767 | HD Request # 5 | Intraday data download complete for RTYH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 5
2025-02-05 00:06:21.767 | Removing historical data download ID 5.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.767 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.767 | Intraday chart data file opened for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.767 | HD Request # 5 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 |
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 | Mapping YMH25_FUT_CME to YMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 | HD Request # 6 | Downloading Intraday chart data for YMH25_FUT_CME to the file YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cbot
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 | HD Request # 6 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-04 23:50:45.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-04 23:50:45.222000
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 | HD Request # 6 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:06:21.768 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:06:21.770 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.770 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | Reloading chart. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:06:21.795 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 6 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.796 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 6
2025-02-05 00:06:21.796 | Mapping M2KH25_FUT_CME to M2KH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.796 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 9 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:06:21.796 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 9
2025-02-05 00:06:21.797 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.857 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.857 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:06:21.857 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.857 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.857 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:06:21.857 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.910 | HD Request # 6 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:06:21.910 | HD Request # 6 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.952 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:06:21.953 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #12 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:21.954 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:06:21.954 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:21.957 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.018 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:06:22.018 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:22.020 | HD Request # 6 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-04 23:50:45. Record interval: 0. Symbol: YMH25
2025-02-05 00:06:22.058 | HD Request # 6 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.096 | HD Request # 6 | Receiving Intraday data for YMH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-04 23:50:45.222000
2025-02-05 00:06:22.097 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.097 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.097 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.097 | HD Request # 6 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-04 23:50:59.666000.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.097 | HD Request # 6 | Received 28 Intraday data records from 2025-02-04 23:50:45.222000 to 2025-02-04 23:55:49.842000 (5.1 minutes. Delay: 10.5 minutes) and wrote 27 records for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:22.103 | HD Request # 6 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-04 23:55:49.842000
2025-02-05 00:06:22.103 | HD Request # 6 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.103 | HD Request # 6 | Intraday data download complete for YMH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 6
2025-02-05 00:06:22.103 | Removing historical data download ID 6.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.103 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:22.103 | Intraday chart data file opened for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:22.103 | HD Request # 6 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.104 |
2025-02-05 00:06:22.104 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.104 | Historical data for YMH25_FUT_CME is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.108 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.109 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | Reloading chart. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:06:22.143 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.143 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.170 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 8 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:06:22.171 | Delayed Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds26-2.sierracharts.com. Port 10043
2025-02-05 00:06:22.171 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 8
2025-02-05 00:06:22.171 | Mapping MYMH25_FUT_CME to MYMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:06:22.171 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 10 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:06:22.171 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 10
2025-02-05 00:06:22.172 | DTC Client socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.172 | DTC Client socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:06:22.172 | DTC Client socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:06:22.177 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #13 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:06:22.178 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #13 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.217 | Delayed Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.217 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.217 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:06:22.280 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:06:22.280 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delayed Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delayed Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delayed Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delayed Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delayed Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delayed Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MYMH25_FUT_CME -> MYMH25
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Added historical Intraday data request for YMH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Intraday data recording state for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: YMH25_FUT_CME -> YMH25
2025-02-05 00:06:22.761 | Delaying start of download for YMH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 00:06:22.885 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME to 42011026
2025-02-05 00:06:22.885 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:22.885 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME to 42002868
2025-02-05 00:06:22.885 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:24.093 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:06:24.093 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:06:24.781 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:24.843 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:25.355 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:06:25.407 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:06:25.408 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:25.449 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:06:25.454 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:06:25.516 | Requesting market depth updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:06:25.516 | Requesting market depth updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:06:25.636 | Delayed Data Feed | Clearing market depth for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:25.638 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:27.047 | HD Request # 7 | Downloading Intraday chart data for YMH25_FUT_CME to the file YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cbot
2025-02-05 00:06:27.048 | HD Request # 7 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-04 23:55:49.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-04 23:55:49.842000
2025-02-05 00:06:27.048 | HD Request # 7 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:06:27.048 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.048 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:06:27.048 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:06:27.135 | HD Request # 7 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:06:27.135 | HD Request # 7 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.217 | HD Request # 7 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-04 23:55:49. Record interval: 0. Symbol: YMH25
2025-02-05 00:06:27.253 | HD Request # 7 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.290 | HD Request # 7 | Receiving Intraday data for YMH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-04 23:55:49.842000
2025-02-05 00:06:27.290 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.290 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.290 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.291 | HD Request # 7 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-04 23:56:13.559000.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.291 | HD Request # 7 | Received 2 Intraday data records from 2025-02-04 23:55:49.842000 to 2025-02-04 23:56:13.559000 (23.7 seconds. Delay: 10.2 minutes) and wrote 1 record for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 | HD Request # 7 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-04 23:56:13.559000
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 | HD Request # 7 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 | HD Request # 7 | Intraday data download complete for YMH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 7
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 | Removing historical data download ID 7.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 | Intraday chart data file opened for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 | HD Request # 7 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 |
2025-02-05 00:06:27.295 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.329 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:06:27.329 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:06:28.776 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:29.952 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:06:29.975 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:06:29.975 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:29.999 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 7
2025-02-05 00:06:32.732 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 11100
2025-02-05 00:06:32.740 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:06:42.633 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 34 * | Number times message added: 18
2025-02-05 00:06:49.984 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:06:49.998 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:50.068 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 2
2025-02-05 00:06:50.692 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:06:50.725 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:50.782 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:50.794 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 21
2025-02-05 00:06:56.443 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:56.446 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 17:00:00
2025-02-05 00:06:56.735 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:06:57.033 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:07:06.695 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 37 *
2025-02-05 00:07:16.276 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 33 * | Number times message added: 24
2025-02-05 00:07:22.918 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:07:23.050 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:07:23.073 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:07:32.652 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 49 *
2025-02-05 00:07:42.256 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 50 *
2025-02-05 00:07:51.948 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 54 * | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:07:52.369 | File >> Disconnect selected.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.530 | Teton CME Routing | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:07:52.530 | DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.530 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3
2025-02-05 00:07:52.530 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 329
2025-02-05 00:07:52.530 | DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.530 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | DTC Client socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | DTC Client socket (5) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | DTC Client socket (5) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 192
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | DTC Client socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | Delayed Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | DTC Client socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | DTC Client socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.531 | Delayed Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.532 | Teton CME Routing | Disconnected.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.544 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:07:52.547 | DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.547 | DTC Client socket (1) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.570 | DTC Client socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.570 | DTC Client socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.574 | DTC Client socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:07:52.574 | DTC Client socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.268 |
2025-02-05 00:07:55.268 | Teton CME Routing | Firm: IronBeam
2025-02-05 00:07:55.268 | Teton CME Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading10.sierracharts.com. Port 11085
2025-02-05 00:07:55.270 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.270 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:07:55.270 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:07:55.288 | Teton CME Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.288 | Teton CME Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.288 | Teton CME Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2025-02-05 00:07:55.345 | Teton CME Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:07:55.345 | Teton CME Routing | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=51528.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink3.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | Trading is supported.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Teton CME Routing | Connected to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:07:55.430 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:07:55
2025-02-05 00:07:55.596 | Teton CME Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Mapping ESH25_FUT_CME to ESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds28.sierracharts.com. Port 10048
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 1
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Mapping MESH25_FUT_CME to MESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 2 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 2
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | DTC Client socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | DTC Client socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:07:55.597 | DTC Client socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:07:55.610 | Delaying start of download for ESH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-09 16:44:56.066887
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:07:55
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Mapping NQZ24_FUT_CME to NQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 3 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 3
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Mapping MNQZ24_FUT_CME to MNQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 4
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.623 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.678 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.678 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME to 234
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME to 227
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Mapping NQH25_FUT_CME to NQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 5 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 5
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.679 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.758 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:07:55.758 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.762 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:07:55.802 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.802 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:07:55.802 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Mapping YMH25_FUT_CME to YMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 6 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds28.sierracharts.com. Port 10043
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 6
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Mapping MYMH25_FUT_CME to MYMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 7 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 7
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Added historical Intraday data request for YMH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Intraday data recording state for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Mapping MNQH25_FUT_CME to MNQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | DTC Client socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 8 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 8
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | DTC Client socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | DTC Client socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Mapping RTYH25_FUT_CME to RTYH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 9 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 9
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Mapping M2KH25_FUT_CME to M2KH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 10 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 10
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Added historical Intraday data request for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Intraday data recording state for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.832 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.837 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:07:55.853 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:55.928 | Delayed Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.928 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:07:55.928 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:07:56.000 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:07:56.000 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.004 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:07:56.160 | Teton CME Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=23150536
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME -> ESH25
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME -> M2KH25
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME -> MESH25
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME -> MNQH25
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME -> MNQZ24
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME -> NQH25
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME -> NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:07:56.266 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME -> RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:07:56.392 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.462 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:07:56.623 | Delayed Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.623 | Delayed Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.623 | Delayed Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:07:56.623 | Delayed Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.623 | Delayed Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:07:56.623 | Delayed Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:07:56.623 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MYMH25_FUT_CME -> MYMH25
2025-02-05 00:07:56.623 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: YMH25_FUT_CME -> YMH25
2025-02-05 00:07:56.654 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:07:56.751 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME to 42011026
2025-02-05 00:07:56.751 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:56.751 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME to 42002868
2025-02-05 00:07:56.751 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:07:57.066 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 13
2025-02-05 00:08:00.427 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:08:00.427 | Requesting market depth updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:08:00.427 | Requesting market depth updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:08:00.552 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:00.554 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:00.554 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:00.564 | Delayed Data Feed | Clearing market depth for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:00.764 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:08:01.241 | HD Request # 8 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH25_FUT_CME to the file ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:08:01.241 | HD Request # 8 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:36.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:36.219001
2025-02-05 00:08:01.241 | HD Request # 8 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:08:01.242 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.242 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:08:01.242 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:08:01.357 | HD Request # 8 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:08:01.357 | HD Request # 8 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.369 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:08:01.578 | HD Request # 8 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:36. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH25
2025-02-05 00:08:01.620 | HD Request # 8 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.699 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:01.712 | HD Request # 8 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:07:36.219000
2025-02-05 00:08:01.712 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.712 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.713 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.713 | HD Request # 8 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:07:45.553000.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.713 | HD Request # 8 | Received 7 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:07:36.219000 to 2025-02-05 00:07:45.553004 (9.3 seconds. Delay: 16.2 seconds) and wrote 5 records for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | HD Request # 8 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:45.553004
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | Added 3 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESH25_FUT_CME after download.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | HD Request # 8 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | HD Request # 8 | Intraday data download complete for ESH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 8
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | Removing historical data download ID 8.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | HD Request # 8 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 |
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | HD Request # 9 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the file NQZ24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | HD Request # 9 | Download start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.000000. File last date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:08:01.717 | HD Request # 9 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:08:01.718 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.718 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:08:01.718 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:08:01.756 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.756 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.851 | HD Request # 9 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:08:01.851 | HD Request # 9 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:08:01.863 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:01.942 | HD Request # 9 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:08:01.949 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:01.980 | HD Request # 9 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.018 | HD Request # 9 | Receiving Intraday data for NQZ24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:08:02.018 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.018 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.025 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.025 | HD Request # 9 | Received 1 Intraday data record from 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 to 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 (0.0 seconds. Delay: 46.4 days) and wrote 0 records for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | HD Request # 9 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | HD Request # 9 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | HD Request # 9 | Intraday data download complete for NQZ24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 9
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | Removing historical data download ID 9.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | HD Request # 9 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 |
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | HD Request # 10 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | HD Request # 10 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:40.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:40.090000
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | HD Request # 10 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:08:02.026 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:08:02.030 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:02.057 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.057 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.144 | HD Request # 10 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:08:02.144 | HD Request # 10 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.253 | HD Request # 10 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:40. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 00:08:02.292 | HD Request # 10 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.318 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:02.370 | HD Request # 10 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:07:40.090000
2025-02-05 00:08:02.371 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.371 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.397 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.397 | HD Request # 10 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:07:44.932000.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.397 | HD Request # 10 | Received 5 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:07:40.090000 to 2025-02-05 00:07:51.869000 (11.8 seconds. Delay: 10.5 seconds) and wrote 4 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | HD Request # 10 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:51.869000
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | HD Request # 10 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | HD Request # 10 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 10
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | Removing historical data download ID 10.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | HD Request # 10 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 |
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | HD Request # 11 | Downloading Intraday chart data for YMH25_FUT_CME to the file YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cbot
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | HD Request # 11 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-04 23:57:26.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-04 23:57:26.119000
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | HD Request # 11 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:08:02.403 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:08:02.406 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.406 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.408 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:02.525 | HD Request # 11 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:08:02.525 | HD Request # 11 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.532 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:02.610 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:08:02.610 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:08:02.632 | HD Request # 11 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-04 23:57:26. Record interval: 0. Symbol: YMH25
2025-02-05 00:08:02.638 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:08:02.674 | HD Request # 11 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.710 | HD Request # 11 | Receiving Intraday data for YMH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-04 23:57:26.119000
2025-02-05 00:08:02.711 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.711 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.756 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.756 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.943 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.943 | HD Request # 11 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-04 23:57:36.547000.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.943 | HD Request # 11 | Received 2 Intraday data records from 2025-02-04 23:57:26.119000 to 2025-02-04 23:57:36.547000 (10.4 seconds. Delay: 10.4 minutes) and wrote 1 record for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | HD Request # 11 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-04 23:57:36.547000
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | HD Request # 11 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | HD Request # 11 | Intraday data download complete for YMH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 11
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | Removing historical data download ID 11.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | Intraday chart data file opened for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | HD Request # 11 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 |
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | HD Request # 12 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the file RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | HD Request # 12 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:30.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:30.645001
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | HD Request # 12 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | Socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:08:02.947 | Socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:08:02.950 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:08:02.972 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:02.976 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:08:02.976 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:08:02.991 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:08:03.058 | HD Request # 12 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:08:03.058 | HD Request # 12 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.156 | HD Request # 12 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:30. Record interval: 0. Symbol: RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:08:03.196 | HD Request # 12 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.283 | HD Request # 12 | Receiving Intraday data for RTYH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:07:30.644000
2025-02-05 00:08:03.283 | Socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.283 | Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.301 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.301 | HD Request # 12 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:07:45.553000.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.301 | HD Request # 12 | Received 9 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:07:30.644000 to 2025-02-05 00:07:45.553004 (14.9 seconds. Delay: 17.7 seconds) and wrote 5 records for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 | HD Request # 12 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:45.553004
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 | HD Request # 12 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 | HD Request # 12 | Intraday data download complete for RTYH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 12
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 | Removing historical data download ID 12.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 | Intraday chart data file opened for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 | HD Request # 12 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 |
2025-02-05 00:08:03.305 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.326 | Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.326 | Socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:08:03.368 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:08:03.392 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 10
2025-02-05 00:08:05.260 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:08:05.260 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:08:05.457 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:14.959 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 47 * | Number times message added: 2
2025-02-05 00:08:15.410 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:08:15.503 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 19
2025-02-05 00:08:19.359 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 6696
2025-02-05 00:08:19.366 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:08:28.944 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 52 *
2025-02-05 00:08:38.558 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 48 *
2025-02-05 00:08:48.107 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 48 *
2025-02-05 00:09:15.409 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 33 *
2025-02-05 00:09:25.243 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 47 *
2025-02-05 00:09:35.204 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 47 *
2025-02-05 00:09:44.974 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 47 *
2025-02-05 00:09:54.556 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 33 *
2025-02-05 00:10:04.157 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 40 * | Number times message added: 2
2025-02-05 00:10:05.145 | File >> Disconnect selected.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.293 | Teton CME Routing | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:10:05.294 | DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.294 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3
2025-02-05 00:10:05.294 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 251
2025-02-05 00:10:05.294 | DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.294 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:10:05.295 | DTC Client socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.295 | DTC Client socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.295 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.295 | Delayed Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:10:05.295 | DTC Client socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.295 | Delayed Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.295 | DTC Client socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.295 | Teton CME Routing | Disconnected.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.312 | DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.312 | DTC Client socket (1) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.331 | DTC Client socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.331 | DTC Client socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.377 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:05.420 | DTC Client socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.421 | DTC Client socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:05.470 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:07.953 |
2025-02-05 00:10:07.953 | Teton CME Routing | Firm: IronBeam
2025-02-05 00:10:07.953 | Teton CME Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading10.sierracharts.com. Port 11085
2025-02-05 00:10:07.954 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2025-02-05 00:10:07.954 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:07.954 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:07.972 | Teton CME Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:07.972 | Teton CME Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:10:07.972 | Teton CME Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2025-02-05 00:10:08.031 | Teton CME Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:08.031 | Teton CME Routing | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=51528.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink3.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | Trading is supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:08.113 | Teton CME Routing | Connected to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.115 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:10:08.115 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:10:08
2025-02-05 00:10:08.279 | Teton CME Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.280 | Mapping NQH25_FUT_CME to NQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.280 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2025-02-05 00:10:08.280 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.280 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds28-2.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2025-02-05 00:10:08.280 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:08.281 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.281 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.281 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.281 | DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.281 | DTC Client socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:08.281 | DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:08.286 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:08.286 | Delaying start of download for NQH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.314 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-09 16:44:56.066887
2025-02-05 00:10:08.314 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:10:08
2025-02-05 00:10:08.314 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.314 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:10:08.314 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.345 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.345 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.345 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Mapping ESH25_FUT_CME to ESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 2 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 2
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Mapping MESH25_FUT_CME to MESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 3 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 3
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.367 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Mapping NQZ24_FUT_CME to NQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 4
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Mapping MNQZ24_FUT_CME to MNQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 5 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 5
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.394 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.400 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.400 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:10:08.400 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME to 234
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME to 227
2025-02-05 00:10:08.450 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Mapping YMH25_FUT_CME to YMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 6 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Delayed Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds28-2.sierracharts.com. Port 10043
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 6
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Mapping MYMH25_FUT_CME to MYMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 7 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 7
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Added historical Intraday data request for YMH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Intraday data recording state for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | DTC Client socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Mapping MNQH25_FUT_CME to MNQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 8 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | DTC Client socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | DTC Client socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Mapping RTYH25_FUT_CME to RTYH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 9 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 9
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Mapping M2KH25_FUT_CME to M2KH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 10 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 10
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Added historical Intraday data request for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Intraday data recording state for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.530 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Delayed Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:10:08.578 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:08.684 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:08.684 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.688 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:08.851 | Teton CME Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=23150536
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME -> ESH25
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME -> M2KH25
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME -> MESH25
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME -> MNQH25
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME -> MNQZ24
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME -> NQH25
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME -> NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:10:08.968 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME -> RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:10:09.093 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.161 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:09.207 | Delayed Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:10:09.207 | Delayed Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:10:09.207 | Delayed Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:09.207 | Delayed Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:10:09.207 | Delayed Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:09.207 | Delayed Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:09.207 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MYMH25_FUT_CME -> MYMH25
2025-02-05 00:10:09.207 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: YMH25_FUT_CME -> YMH25
2025-02-05 00:10:09.341 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME to 42011026
2025-02-05 00:10:09.341 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.341 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME to 42002868
2025-02-05 00:10:09.341 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:09.554 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 9
2025-02-05 00:10:13.101 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:10:13.101 | Requesting market depth updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:10:13.101 | Requesting market depth updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:10:13.152 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:13.219 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:13.219 | Delayed Data Feed | Clearing market depth for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:13.219 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:13.342 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 7
2025-02-05 00:10:14.867 | HD Request # 13 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:14.868 | HD Request # 13 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55.883000
2025-02-05 00:10:14.868 | HD Request # 13 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:10:14.868 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:14.868 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:14.868 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:14.903 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:14.955 | HD Request # 13 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:14.955 | HD Request # 13 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.044 | HD Request # 13 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 00:10:15.081 | HD Request # 13 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.118 | HD Request # 13 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:09:55.252000
2025-02-05 00:10:15.118 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.118 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.142 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.142 | HD Request # 13 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:09:57.399000.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.142 | HD Request # 13 | Received 26 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:09:55.252000 to 2025-02-05 00:10:05.353006 (10.1 seconds. Delay: 9.8 seconds) and wrote 23 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | HD Request # 13 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:05.353006
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | HD Request # 13 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | HD Request # 13 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 13
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | Removing historical data download ID 13.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | HD Request # 13 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 |
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | HD Request # 14 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH25_FUT_CME to the file ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:15.148 | HD Request # 14 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55.251008
2025-02-05 00:10:15.149 | HD Request # 14 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:10:15.149 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.149 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:15.149 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:15.156 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.156 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.182 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:15.272 | HD Request # 14 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:15.272 | HD Request # 14 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.344 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:15.387 | HD Request # 14 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH25
2025-02-05 00:10:15.432 | HD Request # 14 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.441 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:10:15.441 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:10:15.469 | HD Request # 14 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:09:55.251000
2025-02-05 00:10:15.470 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.470 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.487 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.487 | HD Request # 14 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:09:57.862000.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.487 | HD Request # 14 | Received 23 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:09:55.251000 to 2025-02-05 00:10:01.327000 (6.1 seconds. Delay: 14.2 seconds) and wrote 14 records for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | HD Request # 14 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:01.327000
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | Added 4 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESH25_FUT_CME after download.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | HD Request # 14 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | HD Request # 14 | Intraday data download complete for ESH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 14
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | Removing historical data download ID 14.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | HD Request # 14 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 |
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.493 | HD Request # 15 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the file NQZ24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:15.494 | HD Request # 15 | Download start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.000000. File last date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:10:15.494 | HD Request # 15 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:10:15.494 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.494 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:15.494 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:15.496 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:10:15.496 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:10:15.509 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.509 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.529 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:10:15.554 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:15.581 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:10:15.604 | HD Request # 15 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:15.604 | HD Request # 15 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.689 | HD Request # 15 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:10:15.725 | HD Request # 15 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.763 | HD Request # 15 | Receiving Intraday data for NQZ24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:10:15.763 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.763 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.801 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.802 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | HD Request # 15 | Received 1 Intraday data record from 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 to 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 (0.0 seconds. Delay: 46.4 days) and wrote 0 records for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | HD Request # 15 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | HD Request # 15 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | HD Request # 15 | Intraday data download complete for NQZ24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 15
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | Removing historical data download ID 15.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | HD Request # 15 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 |
2025-02-05 00:10:15.902 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.903 | HD Request # 16 | Downloading Intraday chart data for YMH25_FUT_CME to the file YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:15.903 | HD Request # 16 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-04 23:59:41.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-04 23:59:41.894001
2025-02-05 00:10:15.903 | HD Request # 16 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:10:15.903 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:15.903 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:15.903 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:15.988 | HD Request # 16 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:15.988 | HD Request # 16 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.088 | HD Request # 16 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-04 23:59:41. Record interval: 0. Symbol: YMH25
2025-02-05 00:10:16.125 | HD Request # 16 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.221 | HD Request # 16 | Receiving Intraday data for YMH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-04 23:59:41.035000
2025-02-05 00:10:16.222 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.222 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.223 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.223 | HD Request # 16 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-04 23:59:48.949000.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.223 | HD Request # 16 | Received 19 Intraday data records from 2025-02-04 23:59:41.035000 to 2025-02-05 00:00:06.407000 (25.4 seconds. Delay: 10.2 minutes) and wrote 15 records for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | HD Request # 16 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:00:06.407000
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | HD Request # 16 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | HD Request # 16 | Intraday data download complete for YMH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 16
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | Removing historical data download ID 16.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | Intraday chart data file opened for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | HD Request # 16 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 |
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | HD Request # 17 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the file RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:16.233 | HD Request # 17 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55.252000
2025-02-05 00:10:16.234 | HD Request # 17 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:10:16.234 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.234 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:16.234 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:16.264 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.265 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.349 | HD Request # 17 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:16.349 | HD Request # 17 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.509 | HD Request # 17 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:09:55. Record interval: 0. Symbol: RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:10:16.548 | HD Request # 17 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.564 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:16.588 | HD Request # 17 | Receiving Intraday data for RTYH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:09:55.252000
2025-02-05 00:10:16.589 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.589 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.631 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.631 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.646 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.646 | HD Request # 17 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:10:01.214000.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.646 | HD Request # 17 | Received 2 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:09:55.252000 to 2025-02-05 00:10:01.214000 (6.0 seconds. Delay: 15.4 seconds) and wrote 1 record for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 | HD Request # 17 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:01.214000
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 | HD Request # 17 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 | HD Request # 17 | Intraday data download complete for RTYH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 17
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 | Removing historical data download ID 17.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 | Intraday chart data file opened for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 | HD Request # 17 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 |
2025-02-05 00:10:16.650 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:10:17.123 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 6
2025-02-05 00:10:19.096 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 5444
2025-02-05 00:10:19.373 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:21.846 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:10:21.846 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:10:21.912 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 6
2025-02-05 00:10:24.049 | Saved Chartbook: ES focus.Cht. Time: 0.1541 seconds.
2025-02-05 00:10:28.102 | Unsubscribed from market depth data for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:28.102 | Unsubscribed from market depth data for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:28.102 | Unsubscribed from market depth data for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:31.948 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:10:33.193 | Saved Chartbook: Chartbook3.Cht. Time: 0.0149 seconds.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.292 | File >> Disconnect selected.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.292 | Teton CME Routing | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:10:38.293 | DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.293 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3
2025-02-05 00:10:38.293 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 329
2025-02-05 00:10:38.293 | DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.293 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:10:38.296 | DTC Client socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.296 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.296 | Delayed Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:10:38.297 | DTC Client socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.299 | DTC Client socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.299 | Delayed Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.299 | Teton CME Routing | Disconnected.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.299 | DTC Client socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.312 | DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.312 | DTC Client socket (1) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.422 | DTC Client socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.422 | DTC Client socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.422 | DTC Client socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:38.423 | DTC Client socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.323 |
2025-02-05 00:10:41.323 | Teton CME Routing | Firm: IronBeam
2025-02-05 00:10:41.323 | Teton CME Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading10.sierracharts.com. Port 11085
2025-02-05 00:10:41.330 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.331 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:41.331 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:41.350 | Teton CME Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.350 | Teton CME Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.350 | Teton CME Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2025-02-05 00:10:41.405 | Teton CME Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:41.405 | Teton CME Routing | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=51528.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink3.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | Trading is supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:41.454 | Teton CME Routing | Connected to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.455 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:10:41.455 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:10:41
2025-02-05 00:10:41.455 | Teton CME Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2025-02-05 00:10:41.472 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:10:41
2025-02-05 00:10:41.492 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-09 16:44:56.066887
2025-02-05 00:10:42.049 | Teton CME Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=23150536
2025-02-05 00:10:50.159 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.236 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.296 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.380 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.404 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.480 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.489 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.560 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.576 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.590 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #15 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.606 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.713 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:10:50.714 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.715 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:10:50.715 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.764 | Mapping NQH25_FUT_CME to NQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.764 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2025-02-05 00:10:50.764 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.764 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds26.sierracharts.com. Port 10048
2025-02-05 00:10:50.764 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:50.764 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.764 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.764 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.765 | DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.765 | Delaying start of download for NQH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.765 | DTC Client socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:50.765 | DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:50.899 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.899 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.899 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:10:50.924 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #15 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:10:50.925 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #15 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.925 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:50.925 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:10:50.925 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Mapping NQZ24_FUT_CME to NQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 2 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 2
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Mapping MNQZ24_FUT_CME to MNQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 3 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 3
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Mapping RTYH25_FUT_CME to RTYH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 4
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Mapping M2KH25_FUT_CME to M2KH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 5 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 5
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Added historical Intraday data request for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Intraday data recording state for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.952 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Mapping MNQH25_FUT_CME to MNQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 6 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 6
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Mapping YMH25_FUT_CME to YMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 7 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Delayed Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds26.sierracharts.com. Port 10043
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 7
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Mapping MYMH25_FUT_CME to MYMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 8 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Added historical Intraday data request for YMH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Intraday data recording state for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.953 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | DTC Client socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | DTC Client socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | DTC Client socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Mapping ESH25_FUT_CME to ESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 9 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 9
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Mapping MESH25_FUT_CME to MESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 10 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 10
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:10:50.954 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.051 | Delayed Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.051 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.051 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME to 234
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME to 227
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:51.053 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.123 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.123 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:10:51.123 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.131 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:51.131 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.440 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:10:51.440 | Requesting market depth updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:10:51.440 | Requesting market depth updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:10:51.600 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.600 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.600 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME -> ESH25
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME -> M2KH25
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME -> MESH25
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME -> MNQH25
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME -> MNQZ24
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME -> NQH25. Market Depth data restarted.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME -> NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:10:51.601 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME -> RTYH25. Market Depth data restarted.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.631 | Delayed Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.631 | Delayed Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.631 | Delayed Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:10:51.631 | Delayed Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.631 | Delayed Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.631 | Delayed Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:51.631 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MYMH25_FUT_CME -> MYMH25
2025-02-05 00:10:51.631 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: YMH25_FUT_CME -> YMH25. Market Depth data restarted.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.725 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:10:51.726 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.759 | Delayed Data Feed | Clearing market depth for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.759 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME to 42011026
2025-02-05 00:10:51.759 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:51.759 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME to 42002868
2025-02-05 00:10:51.759 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:53.842 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:53.867 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:53.867 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 19,
2025-02-05 00:10:54.502 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:10:54.525 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:54.525 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:10:54.547 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:10:54.550 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:54.556 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 18,
2025-02-05 00:10:56.897 | HD Request # 18 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:56.897 | HD Request # 18 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:27.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:27.304000
2025-02-05 00:10:56.897 | HD Request # 18 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:10:56.897 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:56.897 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:56.897 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:57.019 | HD Request # 18 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:57.019 | HD Request # 18 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.143 | HD Request # 18 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:27. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 00:10:57.181 | HD Request # 18 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.217 | HD Request # 18 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:10:27.304000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.217 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.217 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.219 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.219 | HD Request # 18 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:10:29.678000.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.219 | HD Request # 18 | Received 21 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:10:27.304000 to 2025-02-05 00:10:45.898000 (18.6 seconds. Delay: 11.3 seconds) and wrote 20 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | HD Request # 18 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:45.898000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | HD Request # 18 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | HD Request # 18 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 18
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | Removing historical data download ID 18.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | HD Request # 18 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 |
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.223 | HD Request # 19 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the file NQZ24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:57.224 | HD Request # 19 | Download start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.000000. File last date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.224 | HD Request # 19 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:10:57.224 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.224 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:57.224 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:57.265 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.265 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.304 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.305 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.323 | HD Request # 19 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:57.323 | HD Request # 19 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.413 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.465 | HD Request # 19 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:10:57.502 | HD Request # 19 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.544 | HD Request # 19 | Receiving Intraday data for NQZ24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.544 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.544 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | HD Request # 19 | Received 1 Intraday data record from 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 to 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 (0.0 seconds. Delay: 46.4 days) and wrote 0 records for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | HD Request # 19 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | HD Request # 19 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | HD Request # 19 | Intraday data download complete for NQZ24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 19
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | Removing historical data download ID 19.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | HD Request # 19 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 |
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | HD Request # 20 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the file RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | HD Request # 20 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:23.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:23.026000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | HD Request # 20 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:57.545 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:57.580 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.580 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.587 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.587 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:10:57.640 | HD Request # 20 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:57.640 | HD Request # 20 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.752 | HD Request # 20 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:23. Record interval: 0. Symbol: RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:10:57.793 | HD Request # 20 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.803 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:10:57.832 | HD Request # 20 | Receiving Intraday data for RTYH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:10:23.026000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.832 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.833 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.833 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.833 | HD Request # 20 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:10:32.248000.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.833 | HD Request # 20 | Received 4 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:10:23.026000 to 2025-02-05 00:10:43.323000 (20.3 seconds. Delay: 14.5 seconds) and wrote 3 records for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | HD Request # 20 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:43.323000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | HD Request # 20 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | HD Request # 20 | Intraday data download complete for RTYH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 20
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | Removing historical data download ID 20.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | Intraday chart data file opened for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | HD Request # 20 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 |
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | HD Request # 21 | Downloading Intraday chart data for YMH25_FUT_CME to the file YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cbot
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | HD Request # 21 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:00:18.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:00:18.717000
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | HD Request # 21 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:57.839 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:57.884 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.884 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:57.960 | HD Request # 21 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:57.960 | HD Request # 21 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.142 | HD Request # 21 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:00:18. Record interval: 0. Symbol: YMH25
2025-02-05 00:10:58.179 | HD Request # 21 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.217 | HD Request # 21 | Receiving Intraday data for YMH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:00:18.717000
2025-02-05 00:10:58.217 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.217 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.217 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.217 | HD Request # 21 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:00:19.256000.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.218 | HD Request # 21 | Received 13 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:00:18.717000 to 2025-02-05 00:00:48.633000 (29.9 seconds. Delay: 10.2 minutes) and wrote 12 records for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | HD Request # 21 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:00:48.633000
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | HD Request # 21 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | HD Request # 21 | Intraday data download complete for YMH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 21
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | Removing historical data download ID 21.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | Intraday chart data file opened for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | HD Request # 21 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 |
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | HD Request # 22 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH25_FUT_CME to the file ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | HD Request # 22 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:23.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:23.025000
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | HD Request # 22 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:10:58.222 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:10:58.262 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.262 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.331 | HD Request # 22 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:10:58.331 | HD Request # 22 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.420 | HD Request # 22 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:23. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH25
2025-02-05 00:10:58.457 | HD Request # 22 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.495 | HD Request # 22 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:10:23.025000
2025-02-05 00:10:58.495 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.496 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.496 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.496 | HD Request # 22 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:10:31.405000.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.496 | HD Request # 22 | Received 29 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:10:23.025000 to 2025-02-05 00:10:43.324000 (20.3 seconds. Delay: 15.2 seconds) and wrote 28 records for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | HD Request # 22 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:10:43.324000
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | Added 3 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESH25_FUT_CME after download.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | HD Request # 22 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | HD Request # 22 | Intraday data download complete for ESH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 22
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | Removing historical data download ID 22.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | HD Request # 22 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 |
2025-02-05 00:10:58.500 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.551 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:10:58.551 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:11:01.903 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:11:02.366 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:11:02.373 | : Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:11:02.390 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:11:02.390 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:11:02.399 | : Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:11:02.414 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:11:02.450 | : Array is unallocated. | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:11:02.455 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:11:02.888 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:11:02.894 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 22
2025-02-05 00:11:07.728 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2372
2025-02-05 00:11:07.773 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 36
2025-02-05 00:11:13.000 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:11:13.058 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 34
2025-02-05 00:11:20.249 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:11:20.267 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:11:20.280 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 2
2025-02-05 00:11:20.870 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:11:21.009 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:11:21.085 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:11:21.198 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:11:21.215 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 28
2025-02-05 00:11:26.468 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 17:00:00
2025-02-05 00:11:26.761 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:11:27.418 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:11:27.464 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:11:37.343 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 33 *
2025-02-05 00:11:47.229 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 47 * | Number times message added: 30
2025-02-05 00:11:54.533 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:11:54.620 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:11:54.641 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:12:04.251 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 50 *
2025-02-05 00:12:13.902 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 43 *
2025-02-05 00:12:23.412 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 49 *
2025-02-05 00:12:33.286 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 50 * | Number times message added: 11
2025-02-05 00:12:35.766 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:12:35.766 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:12:35.766 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:12:35.766 | HD Request # 23 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:12:35.965 | Reloading all charts with filename: NQH25_FUT_CME.scid
2025-02-05 00:12:35.969 | HD Request # 23 | Download start date-time: 2024-12-07 00:00:00.000000. File last date-time: 00:00:00.000000
2025-02-05 00:12:35.969 | HD Request # 23 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:12:35.971 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:12:35.971 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:12:35.971 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:12:36.009 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:12:36.079 | HD Request # 23 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:12:36.079 | HD Request # 23 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.181 | HD Request # 23 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-12-07 00:00:00. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 00:12:36.219 | HD Request # 23 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.319 | HD Request # 23 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2024-12-08 23:00:18.737000
2025-02-05 00:12:36.392 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.397 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 23,
2025-02-05 00:12:36.404 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.440 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 23,
2025-02-05 00:12:36.441 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.447 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 23,
2025-02-05 00:12:36.449 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.469 | HD Request # 23 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2024-12-08 23:00:18.737000.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.484 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 23,
2025-02-05 00:12:36.492 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.529 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 23,
2025-02-05 00:12:36.534 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:12:36.569 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 23,
2025-02-05 00:12:58.477 | DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Received subscribe to market depth for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:12:58.478 | DTC client #2. Sierra Chart. | Received subscribe to market orders for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:13:06.781 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.781 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.781 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.782 | HD Request # 23 | Received 17852132 Intraday data records from 2024-12-08 23:00:18.737000 to 2025-02-05 00:12:49.259000 (58.1 days. Delay: 17.5 seconds) and wrote 17852132 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 | HD Request # 23 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:12:49.259000
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 | HD Request # 23 | Completion time: 31s.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 | HD Request # 23 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 23
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 | Removing historical data download ID 23.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 | HD Request # 23 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 |
2025-02-05 00:13:06.787 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.790 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.790 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.819 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.819 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.820 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.821 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.821 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.821 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.825 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.826 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.845 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.864 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:06.927 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:07.036 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:13:07.036 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:07.063 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:13:07.064 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:07.092 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:13:07.093 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:13:07.285 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:07.536 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:07.605 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:13:11.329 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:13:11.354 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:13:11.354 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:13:11.379 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 14
2025-02-05 00:13:14.381 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:13:14.903 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:13:24.485 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 49 *
2025-02-05 00:13:34.546 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 50 * | Number times message added: 7
2025-02-05 00:13:36.448 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:13:36.448 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:13:36.462 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:13:36.470 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 2
2025-02-05 00:13:37.109 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:13:37.130 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:13:37.130 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:13:37.160 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:13:37.202 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 16
2025-02-05 00:13:42.391 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:13:42.549 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:13:42.570 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:13:52.082 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 53 *
2025-02-05 00:14:01.617 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 53 *
2025-02-05 00:14:11.180 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 55 * | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:14:11.401 | DTC client #3. Sierra Chart. | Received subscribe to market depth for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:14:11.543 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:14:21.138 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 53 *
2025-02-05 00:14:30.654 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 44 *
2025-02-05 00:14:40.337 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 47 *
2025-02-05 00:14:49.961 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 45 *
2025-02-05 00:14:59.520 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 35 *
2025-02-05 00:15:09.025 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 44 *
2025-02-05 00:15:18.569 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 51 *
2025-02-05 00:15:28.161 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 41 *
2025-02-05 00:15:37.799 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 48 * | Number times message added: 9
2025-02-05 00:15:41.546 | Unsubscribed from market depth data for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:15:41.546 | Unsubscribed from market depth data for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:17:13.307 | NQH25_FUT_CME 1 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:17:14.370 | NQH25_FUT_CME[M] 1 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.303 | File >> Disconnect selected.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.303 | Teton CME Routing | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:17:33.304 | DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.304 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3
2025-02-05 00:17:33.304 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 330
2025-02-05 00:17:33.304 | DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.304 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:17:33.305 | DTC Client socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.305 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.305 | Delayed Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:17:33.305 | DTC Client socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.305 | DTC Client socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.305 | Delayed Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.305 | Teton CME Routing | Disconnected.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.305 | DTC Client socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.321 | DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.321 | DTC Client socket (1) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.352 | DTC Client socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.352 | DTC Client socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.402 | DTC Client socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:17:33.402 | DTC Client socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.004 |
2025-02-05 00:17:39.004 | Teton CME Routing | Firm: IronBeam
2025-02-05 00:17:39.004 | Teton CME Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading10.sierracharts.com. Port 11085
2025-02-05 00:17:39.009 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.010 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:17:39.010 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:17:39.028 | Teton CME Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.028 | Teton CME Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.028 | Teton CME Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2025-02-05 00:17:39.093 | Teton CME Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:17:39.093 | Teton CME Routing | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=51528.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink3.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | Trading is supported.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:17:39.173 | Teton CME Routing | Connected to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.174 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:17:39.174 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:17:39
2025-02-05 00:17:39.175 | Teton CME Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.192 | Mapping NQH25_FUT_CME to NQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:17:39.192 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2025-02-05 00:17:39.192 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:17:39.192 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds25.sierracharts.com. Port 10048
2025-02-05 00:17:39.193 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1
2025-02-05 00:17:39.193 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.193 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.193 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.208 | Delaying start of download for NQH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.209 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:17:39
2025-02-05 00:17:39.211 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:17:39.211 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:17:39.211 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:17:39.214 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-09 16:44:56.066887
2025-02-05 00:17:39.252 | DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.252 | DTC Client socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:17:39.252 | DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:17:39.288 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.288 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.288 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:17:39.349 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:17:39.349 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.414 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:17:39.751 | Teton CME Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=23150536
2025-02-05 00:17:39.851 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.851 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.851 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:17:39.851 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.851 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.851 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:17:39.851 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME -> NQH25. Market Depth data restarted.
2025-02-05 00:17:39.980 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:17:39.980 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:17:39.980 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:17:44.158 | HD Request # 24 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:17:44.159 | HD Request # 24 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:24.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:24.139001
2025-02-05 00:17:44.159 | HD Request # 24 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:17:44.159 | Socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.159 | Socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:17:44.159 | Socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:17:44.292 | HD Request # 24 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:17:44.292 | HD Request # 24 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.413 | HD Request # 24 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:24. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 00:17:44.451 | HD Request # 24 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.488 | HD Request # 24 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:17:24.139000
2025-02-05 00:17:44.489 | Socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.489 | Socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.489 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.489 | HD Request # 24 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:17:26.540000.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.490 | HD Request # 24 | Received 8 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:17:24.139000 to 2025-02-05 00:17:30.770000 (6.6 seconds. Delay: 13.7 seconds) and wrote 6 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | HD Request # 24 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:30.770000
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | Added 2 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for NQH25_FUT_CME after download.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | HD Request # 24 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | HD Request # 24 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 24
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | Removing historical data download ID 24.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | HD Request # 24 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 |
2025-02-05 00:17:44.497 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.546 | Socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:17:44.546 | Socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:17:47.552 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:33:54.874 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1 Day #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:54.946 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] #2 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.008 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #5 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.091 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.116 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] 1439 Min #3 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.190 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.200 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #7 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.272 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.287 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.301 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #15 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.317 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB] #6 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.477 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:33:55.477 | RTYH25_FUT_CME/M2KH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #12 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.478 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:33:55.479 | YMH25_FUT_CME/MYMH25_FUT_CME [CBV] #13 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Mapping NQZ24_FUT_CME to NQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 2 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 2
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Mapping MNQZ24_FUT_CME to MNQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 3 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 3
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.538 | Delaying start of download for NQZ24_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Mapping RTYH25_FUT_CME to RTYH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 4
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Mapping M2KH25_FUT_CME to M2KH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 5 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 5
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Added historical Intraday data request for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Intraday data recording state for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Mapping MNQH25_FUT_CME to MNQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 6 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 6
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Mapping YMH25_FUT_CME to YMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 7 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Delayed Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds25.sierracharts.com. Port 10043
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 7
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Mapping MYMH25_FUT_CME to MYMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 8 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 8
2025-02-05 00:33:55.539 | Added historical Intraday data request for YMH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Intraday data recording state for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Mapping ESH25_FUT_CME to ESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 9 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 9
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Mapping MESH25_FUT_CME to MESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 10 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 10
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.540 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME to 234
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME to 227
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:33:55.562 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.592 | DTC Client socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.592 | DTC Client socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:33:55.593 | DTC Client socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:33:55.625 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.629 | Delayed Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.629 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.629 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:33:55.633 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.633 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:33:55.633 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:33:55.660 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:55.673 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:33:55.673 | NQH25_FUT_CME/MNQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #15 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:33:55.709 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:33:55.709 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:33:56.192 | Delayed Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:33:56.192 | Delayed Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:33:56.192 | Delayed Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:33:56.192 | Delayed Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:33:56.192 | Delayed Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:33:56.192 | Delayed Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:33:56.192 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MYMH25_FUT_CME -> MYMH25
2025-02-05 00:33:56.193 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: YMH25_FUT_CME -> YMH25
2025-02-05 00:33:56.318 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME to 42011026
2025-02-05 00:33:56.318 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:56.318 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME to 42002868
2025-02-05 00:33:56.318 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:33:58.859 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:33:58.885 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:33:58.885 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Waiting for historical downloads to complete with the IDs: 25,
2025-02-05 00:33:59.530 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:33:59.568 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:33:59.568 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:33:59.609 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:33:59.615 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.031 | Requesting market depth updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:34:00.031 | Requesting market depth updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:34:00.118 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:00.175 | Delayed Data Feed | Clearing market depth for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:00.688 | HD Request # 25 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the file NQZ24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:34:00.689 | HD Request # 25 | Download start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.000000. File last date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:34:00.689 | HD Request # 25 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:34:00.690 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.690 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:34:00.690 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:34:00.772 | HD Request # 25 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:34:00.772 | HD Request # 25 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.878 | HD Request # 25 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:34:00.915 | HD Request # 25 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.952 | HD Request # 25 | Receiving Intraday data for NQZ24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:34:00.952 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.952 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | HD Request # 25 | Received 1 Intraday data record from 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 to 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 (0.0 seconds. Delay: 46.4 days) and wrote 0 records for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | HD Request # 25 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | HD Request # 25 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | HD Request # 25 | Intraday data download complete for NQZ24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 25
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | Removing historical data download ID 25.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | HD Request # 25 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 |
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.953 | HD Request # 26 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the file RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:34:00.954 | HD Request # 26 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:18.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:18.057000
2025-02-05 00:34:00.954 | HD Request # 26 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:34:00.954 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.954 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:34:00.954 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:34:00.985 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Download is complete for all contract months in chart. Proceeding with data load.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.986 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.992 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:34:00.993 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.032 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.035 | HD Request # 26 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:34:01.035 | HD Request # 26 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.120 | HD Request # 26 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:18. Record interval: 0. Symbol: RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:34:01.165 | HD Request # 26 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.207 | HD Request # 26 | Receiving Intraday data for RTYH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:17:18.056000
2025-02-05 00:34:01.207 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.207 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.207 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.208 | HD Request # 26 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:17:43.026000.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.208 | HD Request # 26 | Received 254 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:17:18.056000 to 2025-02-05 00:33:25.751000 (16.1 minutes. Delay: 35.5 seconds) and wrote 252 records for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | HD Request # 26 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:33:25.751000
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | HD Request # 26 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | HD Request # 26 | Intraday data download complete for RTYH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 26
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | Removing historical data download ID 26.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | Intraday chart data file opened for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | HD Request # 26 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 |
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | HD Request # 27 | Downloading Intraday chart data for YMH25_FUT_CME to the file YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cbot
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | HD Request # 27 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:11.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:11.439000
2025-02-05 00:34:01.214 | HD Request # 27 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:34:01.249 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.249 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.272 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.272 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:34:01.272 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:34:01.375 | HD Request # 27 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:34:01.375 | HD Request # 27 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.535 | HD Request # 27 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:07:11. Record interval: 0. Symbol: YMH25
2025-02-05 00:34:01.575 | HD Request # 27 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.618 | HD Request # 27 | Receiving Intraday data for YMH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:07:11.439000
2025-02-05 00:34:01.618 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.618 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.619 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.619 | HD Request # 27 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:07:25.024000.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.619 | HD Request # 27 | Received 133 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:07:11.439000 to 2025-02-05 00:23:30.783001 (16.3 minutes. Delay: 10.5 minutes) and wrote 132 records for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | HD Request # 27 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:23:30.783001
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | HD Request # 27 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | HD Request # 27 | Intraday data download complete for YMH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 27
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | Removing historical data download ID 27.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | Intraday chart data file opened for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | HD Request # 27 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 |
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | HD Request # 28 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH25_FUT_CME to the file ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | HD Request # 28 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:23.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:23.768000
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | HD Request # 28 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:34:01.625 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.626 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:34:01.626 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:34:01.667 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.667 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.705 | HD Request # 28 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:34:01.705 | HD Request # 28 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.787 | HD Request # 28 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:17:23. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH25
2025-02-05 00:34:01.823 | HD Request # 28 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.868 | HD Request # 28 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:17:23.768000
2025-02-05 00:34:01.869 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.869 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.869 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.869 | HD Request # 28 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:17:27.596000.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.869 | HD Request # 28 | Received 1327 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:17:23.768000 to 2025-02-05 00:33:50.152000 (16.4 minutes. Delay: 11.7 seconds) and wrote 1326 records for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | HD Request # 28 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:33:50.152000
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | Added 2 Time and Sales records to Intraday data file for ESH25_FUT_CME after download.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | HD Request # 28 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | HD Request # 28 | Intraday data download complete for ESH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 28
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | Removing historical data download ID 28.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | HD Request # 28 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 |
2025-02-05 00:34:01.874 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.904 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:34:01.904 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:34:05.458 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [C][M] 15 Sec #4 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:34:05.495 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 00:00:00
2025-02-05 00:34:05.528 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:34:05.528 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:34:05.573 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:34:06.516 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:34:06.517 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:34:06.632 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:34:16.215 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 44 *
2025-02-05 00:34:26.446 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 24 * | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:34:26.853 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 10720
2025-02-05 00:34:26.883 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:34:27.449 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:34:27.465 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1 Day #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:34:27.480 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:34:28.139 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #5 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:34:28.149 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:34:28.173 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:34:28.207 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CBV][M] 1439 Min #3 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:34:28.529 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 13
2025-02-05 00:34:33.463 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #7 | StartDateTimeForLoadingOrderFills: 17:00:00
2025-02-05 00:34:33.756 | NQZ24_FUT_CME/MNQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV][M] #7 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:34:34.401 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:34:34.547 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:34:44.233 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 29 *
2025-02-05 00:34:54.008 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 26 * | Number times message added: 17
2025-02-05 00:35:01.222 | ESH25_FUT_CME/MESH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #6 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-05 00:35:01.330 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:35:01.352 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:35:11.212 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 37 *
2025-02-05 00:35:20.869 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 31 *
2025-02-05 00:35:30.455 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 35 *
2025-02-05 00:35:40.071 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 50 *
2025-02-05 00:35:49.645 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 49 *
2025-02-05 00:35:59.165 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 48 *
2025-02-05 00:36:08.824 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 49 *
2025-02-05 00:36:18.347 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 50 *
2025-02-05 00:36:28.122 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 30 *
2025-02-05 00:36:37.644 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 38 *
2025-02-05 00:36:47.218 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 42 *
2025-02-05 00:36:56.799 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 37 *
2025-02-05 00:37:06.487 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 48 *
2025-02-05 00:37:16.229 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 35 *
2025-02-05 00:37:25.800 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 40 *
2025-02-05 00:37:35.545 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 39 * | Number times message added: 28
2025-02-05 00:37:43.533 | File >> Disconnect selected.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.684 | Teton CME Routing | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:37:43.684 | DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.684 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3
2025-02-05 00:37:43.684 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 330
2025-02-05 00:37:43.684 | DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.685 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:37:43.685 | DTC Client socket (5) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.685 | DTC Client socket (5) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3
2025-02-05 00:37:43.685 | DTC Client socket (5) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 486
2025-02-05 00:37:43.685 | DTC Client socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.685 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.686 | Delayed Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-05 00:37:43.686 | DTC Client socket (6) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.686 | DTC Client socket (6) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.686 | Delayed Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.686 | Teton CME Routing | Disconnected.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.702 | DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.702 | DTC Client socket (1) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.723 | DTC Client socket (6) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.723 | DTC Client socket (6) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.723 | DTC Client socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.723 | DTC Client socket (5) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:37:43.903 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:46.344 |
2025-02-05 00:37:46.344 | Teton CME Routing | Firm: IronBeam
2025-02-05 00:37:46.344 | Teton CME Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading10.sierracharts.com. Port 11085
2025-02-05 00:37:46.436 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.436 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:37:46.436 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:37:46.454 | Teton CME Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.454 | Teton CME Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.455 | Teton CME Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2025-02-05 00:37:46.509 | Teton CME Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:37:46.509 | Teton CME Routing | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=51528.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink3.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | Trading is supported.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:37:46.589 | Teton CME Routing | Connected to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.590 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-05 00:37:46.590 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:37:46
2025-02-05 00:37:46.740 | Teton CME Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | Mapping NQH25_FUT_CME to NQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds28.sierracharts.com. Port 10048
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | DTC Client socket (5) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | DTC Client socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:37:46.741 | DTC Client socket (5) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:37:46.746 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:46.746 | Delaying start of download for NQH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.776 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 2024-08-09 16:44:56.066887
2025-02-05 00:37:46.776 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-07 00:37:46
2025-02-05 00:37:46.776 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.776 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:37:46.776 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.790 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.790 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.790 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Mapping YMH25_FUT_CME to YMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 2 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds28.sierracharts.com. Port 10043
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: YMH25_FUT_CME (YMH25). ID: 2
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Mapping MYMH25_FUT_CME to MYMH25. Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 3 Service code: cbot
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Delayed Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MYMH25_FUT_CME (MYMH25). ID: 3
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Added historical Intraday data request for YMH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Intraday data recording state for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | DTC Client socket (6) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | DTC Client socket (6) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | DTC Client socket (6) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Mapping MNQH25_FUT_CME to MNQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 4 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.832 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQH25_FUT_CME (MNQH25). ID: 4
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Mapping RTYH25_FUT_CME to RTYH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 5 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: RTYH25_FUT_CME (RTYH25). ID: 5
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Mapping M2KH25_FUT_CME to M2KH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 6 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: M2KH25_FUT_CME (M2KH25). ID: 6
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Added historical Intraday data request for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Intraday data recording state for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Mapping ESH25_FUT_CME to ESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 7 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: ESH25_FUT_CME (ESH25). ID: 7
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Mapping MESH25_FUT_CME to MESH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 8 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MESH25_FUT_CME (MESH25). ID: 8
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Added historical Intraday data request for ESH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Intraday data recording state for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.833 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Requesting market depth updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Mapping NQZ24_FUT_CME to NQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 9 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQZ24_FUT_CME (NQZ24). ID: 9
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Mapping MNQZ24_FUT_CME to MNQZ24. Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 10 Service code: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: MNQZ24_FUT_CME (MNQZ24). ID: 10
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.847 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Delayed Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Delayed Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:37:46.899 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.007 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.007 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME to 234
2025-02-05 00:37:47.007 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.007 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.007 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME to 227
2025-02-05 00:37:47.007 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.007 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:37:47.007 | Delayed Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.182 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:47.316 | Teton CME Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=23150536
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: ESH25_FUT_CME -> ESH25
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: M2KH25_FUT_CME -> M2KH25
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MESH25_FUT_CME -> MESH25
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQH25_FUT_CME -> MNQH25
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MNQZ24_FUT_CME -> MNQZ24
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME -> NQH25. Market Depth data restarted.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: NQZ24_FUT_CME -> NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:37:47.332 | Denali Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: RTYH25_FUT_CME -> RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME to 5002
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME to 42005649
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol M2KH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME to 42005347
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME to 42003617
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MNQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-05 00:37:47.457 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.458 | Denali Data Feed | Real-time data for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME is currently unavailable.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.458 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.458 | Denali Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME to 42001620
2025-02-05 00:37:47.458 | Denali Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.526 | Delayed Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.526 | Delayed Data Feed | Server Name: SC Realtime Server.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.526 | Delayed Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-05 00:37:47.526 | Delayed Data Feed | Successfully connected.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.526 | Delayed Data Feed | Trading is not supported.
2025-02-05 00:37:47.526 | Delayed Data Feed | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-05 00:37:47.526 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: MYMH25_FUT_CME -> MYMH25
2025-02-05 00:37:47.526 | Delayed Data Feed | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: YMH25_FUT_CME -> YMH25
2025-02-05 00:37:47.626 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:47.707 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME to 42011026
2025-02-05 00:37:47.707 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol MYMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.707 | Delayed Data Feed | Setting external service identifier for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME to 42002868
2025-02-05 00:37:47.707 | Delayed Data Feed | Received security definition for symbol YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:47.894 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 13
2025-02-05 00:37:51.590 | Requesting market depth updates for: RTYH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:37:51.590 | Requesting market depth updates for: YMH25_FUT_CME if supported. NumLevels=100
2025-02-05 00:37:51.595 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:51.777 | Denali Data Feed | Clearing market depth for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:51.777 | Delayed Data Feed | Clearing market depth for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:51.782 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:37:52.151 | HD Request # 29 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:52.151 | HD Request # 29 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33.412000
2025-02-05 00:37:52.151 | HD Request # 29 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:37:52.151 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.152 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:37:52.152 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:37:52.243 | HD Request # 29 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:37:52.243 | HD Request # 29 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.245 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:37:52.304 | HD Request # 29 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-05 00:37:52.346 | HD Request # 29 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.385 | HD Request # 29 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:37:33.412000
2025-02-05 00:37:52.385 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.385 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.386 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.386 | HD Request # 29 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:37:35.935000.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.386 | HD Request # 29 | Received 8 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:37:33.412000 to 2025-02-05 00:37:38.937000 (5.5 seconds. Delay: 13.4 seconds) and wrote 7 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | HD Request # 29 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:38.937000
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | HD Request # 29 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | HD Request # 29 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 29
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | Removing historical data download ID 29.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | HD Request # 29 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 |
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | HD Request # 30 | Downloading Intraday chart data for YMH25_FUT_CME to the file YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cbot
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | HD Request # 30 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:27:10.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:27:10.202000
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | HD Request # 30 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:37:52.391 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:37:52.426 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.426 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.484 | HD Request # 30 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:37:52.484 | HD Request # 30 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.494 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:52.606 | HD Request # 30 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:27:10. Record interval: 0. Symbol: YMH25
2025-02-05 00:37:52.617 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:37:52.617 | Chart #3 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:37:52.646 | HD Request # 30 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.654 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #14 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:37:52.654 | Chart #1 has tagged chart #2 for full recalculation. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:37:52.668 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:37:52.684 | HD Request # 30 | Receiving Intraday data for YMH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:27:10.202000
2025-02-05 00:37:52.684 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.684 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | HD Request # 30 | Received 1 Intraday data record from 2025-02-05 00:27:10.202000 to 2025-02-05 00:27:10.202000 (0.0 seconds. Delay: 10.7 minutes) and wrote 0 records for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | HD Request # 30 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:27:10.202000
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | HD Request # 30 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | HD Request # 30 | Intraday data download complete for YMH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 30
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | Removing historical data download ID 30.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | Intraday chart data file opened for YMH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | HD Request # 30 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 |
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.697 | HD Request # 31 | Downloading Intraday chart data for RTYH25_FUT_CME to the file RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:52.698 | HD Request # 31 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33.387001
2025-02-05 00:37:52.698 | HD Request # 31 | Using server: ds28.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:37:52.698 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.698 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:37:52.698 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:37:52.713 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] #2 | Performing a full recalculation because it has been tagged. Chartbook: ES focus.Cht
2025-02-05 00:37:52.724 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.724 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.783 | HD Request # 31 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:37:52.783 | HD Request # 31 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.832 | HD Request # 31 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33. Record interval: 0. Symbol: RTYH25
2025-02-05 00:37:52.868 | HD Request # 31 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.903 | HD Request # 31 | Receiving Intraday data for RTYH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:37:33.387000
2025-02-05 00:37:52.904 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.904 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.940 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:37:52.940 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.032 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.032 | HD Request # 31 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:37:39.558000.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.033 | HD Request # 31 | Received 4 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:37:33.387000 to 2025-02-05 00:37:39.558001 (6.2 seconds. Delay: 13.5 seconds) and wrote 2 records for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | HD Request # 31 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:39.558001
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | HD Request # 31 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | HD Request # 31 | Intraday data download complete for RTYH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 31
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | Removing historical data download ID 31.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | Intraday chart data file opened for RTYH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | HD Request # 31 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 |
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | HD Request # 32 | Downloading Intraday chart data for ESH25_FUT_CME to the file ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | HD Request # 32 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33.516000
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | HD Request # 32 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10150
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | Socket (7) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | Socket (7) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:37:53.038 | Socket (7) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:37:53.044 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:53.151 | HD Request # 32 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:37:53.151 | HD Request # 32 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.193 | HD Request # 32 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:33. Record interval: 0. Symbol: ESH25
2025-02-05 00:37:53.236 | HD Request # 32 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.273 | HD Request # 32 | Receiving Intraday data for ESH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-05 00:37:33.180000
2025-02-05 00:37:53.273 | Socket (7) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.273 | Socket (7) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.307 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.307 | HD Request # 32 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-05 00:37:37.003000.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.307 | HD Request # 32 | Received 22 Intraday data records from 2025-02-05 00:37:33.180000 to 2025-02-05 00:37:43.485001 (10.3 seconds. Delay: 9.8 seconds) and wrote 16 records for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | HD Request # 32 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-05 00:37:43.485001
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | HD Request # 32 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | HD Request # 32 | Intraday data download complete for ESH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 32
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | Removing historical data download ID 32.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | Intraday chart data file opened for ESH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | HD Request # 32 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 |
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | HD Request # 33 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQZ24_FUT_CME to the file NQZ24_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-05 00:37:53.312 | HD Request # 33 | Download start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.000000. File last date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:37:53.313 | HD Request # 33 | Using server: ds26.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-05 00:37:53.313 | Socket (8) | Creating socket.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.313 | Socket (8) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-05 00:37:53.313 | Socket (8) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-05 00:37:53.313 | Socket (7) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.313 | Socket (7) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.319 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:53.423 | HD Request # 33 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-05 00:37:53.423 | HD Request # 33 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.539 | HD Request # 33 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQZ24
2025-02-05 00:37:53.576 | HD Request # 33 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.613 | HD Request # 33 | Receiving Intraday data for NQZ24_FUT_CME starting at 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:37:53.613 | Socket (8) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.613 | Socket (8) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.614 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.614 | HD Request # 33 | Received 1 Intraday data record from 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 to 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000 (0.0 seconds. Delay: 46.4 days) and wrote 0 records for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 | HD Request # 33 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2024-12-20 14:29:57.772000
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 | HD Request # 33 | Completion time: 0s.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 | HD Request # 33 | Intraday data download complete for NQZ24_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 33
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 | Removing historical data download ID 33.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQZ24_FUT_CME
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 | HD Request # 33 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 |
2025-02-05 00:37:53.615 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.621 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:37:53.654 | Socket (8) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.654 | Socket (8) | Closed.
2025-02-05 00:37:53.757 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 1
2025-02-05 00:37:54.529 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:37:55.044 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 35
2025-02-05 00:38:04.101 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\YMH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 9204
2025-02-05 00:38:04.343 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 * | Number times message added: 18
2025-02-05 00:38:09.687 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\RTYH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:38:09.687 | Opened cached Intraday file: C:\SierraChartOctopi\Data\ESH25_FUT_CME.scid. Thread ID: 2848
2025-02-05 00:38:09.787 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 *
2025-02-05 00:38:19.700 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 36 *
2025-02-05 00:38:29.204 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 37 *
2025-02-05 00:38:38.801 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 32 *
2025-02-05 00:38:48.434 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 42 *
2025-02-05 00:38:57.959 | NQH25_FUT_CME [CB][M] 30 Min #14 | Caught an unhandled exception in c_Chart::WindowProc. Message: 15, wParam: 0, lParam: 0 | Number times message previously added: 29 *