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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 12:52:49 +0000

Post From: I can't place any more orders on 6E/M6E

[2025-01-20 15:19:00]
Alex01 - Posts: 17
After many tests and hours trying to fix it, the "Trade and Current Quote Symbol" feature is not working properly on 6E/M6E forex futures because of the bracket order, it's a Sierra Chart bug. The bracket order is the problem because they don't get executed with the correct multiplier (Trade and Current Quote Symbol Price Multiplier). Only the INITIAL market order is executed with the correct multiplier, not the bracket orders, so even though the initial market orders are properly executed, the position get cancelled instantly because the incorrect bracket orders get filled instantly.

Sell Market Bracket: As you can see in the attached screenshot, when I do a sell market with attached bracket order, the initial sell market order is executed correctly and filled at 1.0436 in this example, but a buy stop is instantly executed at 10436 which instantly close the position.

Buy Market Bracket: For a buy market with attached bracket order, the initial buy market order is executed correctly and filled at 1.0437 in this example, but a sell limit is instantly executed at 10437 which instantly close the position.

Can you please fix the issue that bracket orders don't get the correct multiplier? Trading without an initial bracket order is not an option, there could be a huge spike by the time the stop loss is set.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2025-01-20 16:02:38
imagebracket order bug.png / V - Attached On 2025-01-20 15:05:53 UTC - Size: 43.61 KB - 18 views