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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:52:51 +0000

Post From: Vector losing it's value ACSIL (need persistent vector)

[2024-12-24 12:31:36]
Balazs - Posts: 13
Thanks for the fast reply. Just to give some context: I have read every letter of the documentation. I think I grasp the core of STL_vectors, classes, ect. I have implemented the examples from the sierra website including some code they refer to in their ASC_source folder. and again, the code works fine it does what it needs to, to the extent of creating the vector, setting everything to NULL, initiating a persistentpointer, etc. It just loses the values wehn a new bar comes to the chart.

I could refer to a previous index [sc.Index-1] and reuse the vector at that index, however, I don't know if that is possible at all. The codes I tried give an error.

see code bellow. I cant seem to get past this issue. So if you have any concrete code tips, I would be more than gratefull.

//initiating the vector

std::vector<double>* InbLines;

    if(InbLines != NULL)
      delete InbLines;
      sc.SetPersistentPointer(1, NULL);


if (InbLines == NULL)
    InbLines = new std::vector<double>;

    if(InbLines != NULL)
      sc.SetPersistentPointer(1, InbLines);
      sc.AddMessageToLog("Memory allocation error.", 1);

// doing some calculations, bla bla..

// lines 1 to 5 found in previous section adding them to the vector

if ( LineONE != 0)
    if ( LineTWO != 0)
      if ( LineTHREE != 0)
        if ( LineFOUR != 0)
          if ( LineFIVE != 0)

// counting the number of elements and showing it at the bottom each bar via a Subgraph. This way I can count the amount of doubles inside the vector at a specific bar

NumbT[sc.Index] = InbLines->size();
  NumbOnLow[sc.Index] = NumbT[sc.Index];

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-12-24 12:45:25