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Date/Time: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 15:01:29 +0000

Post From: Sim transactions 'timing out'/disappearing from trade orders window

[2024-12-23 15:26:03]
User379249 - Posts: 9
Hi Sierra Support,

When trading in SIM mode I am experiencing transaction data not fully persisting to the trade orders window. I don't think this was always the case but it has been for quite some time now (weeks/months) so if I threw some 'switch' to cause this effect, the trail has grown cold, i.e., I am lost and without a clue as to how to resolve this - or is it by design?

To be clear, and as an example, it is now 10:12am and I made trades very close to the 9:30am open but I only see trades from 9:44am and later - this is in the "Trade Orders" window. Over time I will see fewer and fewer transactions in this window and also, while I said "time out", the orders seem to disappear in a random order, that is the oldest orders are not necessarily 'disappeared' first.

It is now 10:23am and the same "Trade Orders" window contains approximately 20% of the transactions that were apparent at 10:12am.

Looking forward to your help.


Paul Pineau

ps. I don't know if this problem exists in live account trading - I just haven't done any live trades in the relevant time frame.