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Date/Time: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:18:19 +0000

Post From: Market Depth Data replay issue

[2024-12-10 02:18:35]
User781731 - Posts: 47
I have downloaded market depth data via “Download Depth Data from Date-Time”. In the “MarketDepthData” folder it goes back to 2024-11-09.

When I try to use market replay starting from 2024-11-11 (the following Monday), there is no level 2 data: only “1” displays in the first 2 rows of both Bid and Ask columns.

The earliest date on which I can get level 2 market depth to display in market replay is 2024-11-26.

Is there a way I can get level 2 market depth to work between 11-11 and 11-25?

Also, how much historical market depth data is accessible? I’ve read on your website 60 days but it only lets me download 30 days and as I’ve explained only 2 weeks actually works in replay.

I’m trying to do this on ZB, ZN, ZF, UB symbols.

These are my settings (on both standard chart and DOM chart):
* Chart > Chart Settings > Market Depth (Maximum Market Depth Data Days to Load: 90)
* Chart > Chart Settings > Data Limiting (Days to Load for Intraday Chart Type: 100)

I have followed the steps here: Market Depth Historical Graph: Market Depth Historical Graph Not Displaying
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-12-10 03:43:57