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Date/Time: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 16:31:49 +0000

Post From: Why does DRAWSYLE_BACKGROUND cause DRAWSTYLE_COLOR_BAR to stop working?

[2024-10-12 18:14:26]
User719512 - Posts: 261
Build this study so you can see the issue.
With Subgraph_BuySignal.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_BACKGROUND;, the Subgraph_ColorBar will NOT work.
With Subgraph_BuySignal.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_BACKGROUND_TRANSPARENT;, the Subgraph_ColorBar will work.
You can set these from the UI, so just build the sample once.

Sample study code

#include "sierrachart.h"
#include <random>

// Function to generate a random RGB color
std::tuple<int, int, int> GenerateRandomRGBColor() {
// Seed with a real random value, if available
std::random_device rd;

// Initialize a random number generator with the random seed
std::mt19937 gen(rd());

// Define a distribution to generate values between 0 and 255
std::uniform_int_distribution<> distrib(0, 255);

// Generate random values for Red, Green, and Blue components
int red = distrib(gen);
int green = distrib(gen);
int blue = distrib(gen);

// Return the RGB values as a tuple
return std::make_tuple(red, green, blue);

// scsf_RandomBarSignals
SCSFExport scsf_RandomBarSignals(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc)
SCString msg;
int i;

// Subgraphs
i = 0;
SCSubgraphRef Subgraph_BuySignal = sc.Subgraph[i++];
SCSubgraphRef Subgraph_SellSignal = sc.Subgraph[i++];
SCSubgraphRef Subgraph_ColorBar = sc.Subgraph[i++];

if (sc.SetDefaults)
sc.GraphName = "Random Bar Signals";
sc.AutoLoop = 0;
sc.GraphRegion = 0;

Subgraph_BuySignal.Name = "Buy Signal";
Subgraph_BuySignal.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_BACKGROUND;
Subgraph_BuySignal.PrimaryColor = COLOR_BLUE;
Subgraph_BuySignal.LineWidth = 1;
Subgraph_BuySignal.DrawZeros = 0;

Subgraph_SellSignal.Name = "Sell Signal";
Subgraph_SellSignal.PrimaryColor = COLOR_RED;
Subgraph_SellSignal.LineWidth = 1;
Subgraph_SellSignal.DrawZeros = 0;

Subgraph_ColorBar.Name = "Color Bar";
Subgraph_ColorBar.DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_COLOR_BAR;
Subgraph_ColorBar.PrimaryColor = COLOR_GRAY;
Subgraph_ColorBar.DrawZeros = false;


if (sc.UpdateStartIndex == 0) {
// clear all SGs so Recalculate works properly
for (int i = 0; i < SC_SUBGRAPHS_AVAILABLE; i++) {
for (int barIndex = 0; barIndex < sc.ArraySize; barIndex++)
sc.Subgraph[i][barIndex] = 0;

// Data processing on Manual Looping
for (int barIndex = sc.UpdateStartIndex; barIndex < sc.ArraySize; barIndex++)
if (sc.GetBarHasClosedStatus(barIndex) == BHCS_BAR_HAS_NOT_CLOSED)

auto [r, g, b] = GenerateRandomRGBColor();

if (r > 196)
Subgraph_BuySignal[barIndex] = sc.Close[barIndex];
if (r < 64)
Subgraph_SellSignal[barIndex] = sc.Close[barIndex];

Subgraph_ColorBar[barIndex] = sc.Close[barIndex];
Subgraph_ColorBar.DataColor[barIndex] = RGB_COLOR(r, g, b);
