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Date/Time: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 20:53:54 +0000

Post From: Stock APA isn't updating

[2024-10-03 19:15:40]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36236
The problem you are having is definitely NOT a Sierra Chart problem, in that what is occurring is not due to an inherent issue in Sierra Chart. It could be due to the way certain things are setup on your computer.

Here are the things we can think of to check:
- If you are running more than one installation of Sierra Chart and they are both set to use the same 'Data' folder. This is not supported and will create issues. Each installation needs to use its own 'Data' folder.
- You are storing the data on a shared drive of some kind. If some other program is accessing the files at the same time, this would lead to the issue you are having.
- Storing data on a drive (or region) that is automatically backed up. The backup program may be accessing those files to copy them and locking them, leading to this issue.
- Virus scanning software that is locking files. Although we have not heard of this, it is a possibility. We would recommend setting your Sierra Chart folder to not be scanned.
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