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Date/Time: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 03:18:07 +0000

Post From: Possible Hybrid CrosshairsChartValues/Hand Tool

[2014-08-05 17:21:50]
User27189 - Posts: 26
Is there any Tool configuration for enabling the Hand tool to be engaged with a simple left click & Hold (i.e. a simple drag/pan function)while also having the Crosshair/Chart Values function engaged? As of now, a simple left click while engaged in Crosshair/Chart Values merely removes the extended crosshairs leaving the small "+" crosshair. A click 'n hold doesn't do anything but also remove the extended crosshairs. One doesn't need to hold to move/pan the small crosshair "+" if one needs to use only that. If it were possible to engage the Hand with a click 'n hold of the left button, once releasing the left mouse button from drag/pan, the small "+" would simply reappear and one further click of the left button would bring back the extended crosshairs as it does now. It sure would be a most functional and efficient option if the Hand/drag+ pan capability were integrated, as it would save the rather tedious and monotonous (not to mention carpal tunnel wrist injury inflammation causing)repetition of right click, scroll to "Hand", click on Hand, drag/pan as you need, then re-right click, scroll for Crosshair/Chart Values, left click to return to Chart Values/Crosshairs, only to have to repeat again and again in a few seconds as you try to concentrate on your chart on the references and thoughts that initiated the action in the first place! For those of us who manipulate our charts non-stop on both the X & Y axes by needing to drag and pan, it could be a Godsend. Thank you.