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Support Board

Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 10:13:56 +0000

Post From: Chart lag, trading data disconnections, unable to modify orders, order overfills

[2024-08-09 19:36:51]
skyfly93 - Posts: 34
I have provided so much documentation to receive help. Have you even looked at the videos I provided, or followed my reasoning?

I'm very frustrated with this response, since you've just provided me articles that I've already read through, confirmed I made changes above, confirmed that my hardware is EXCELLENT, and feel that you didn't even look at my attachments or videos. You just read the title and dropped in the relevant article.

I just paid for 6 more months which is set to renew on 8/14, but if this is the level of support I'll receive in response to the level of effort I'm putting in to troubleshoot and resolve, then I'd rather not continue to use Sierra Chart.