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Date/Time: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 19:39:24 +0000

Post From: OpenGL issue

[2024-08-07 03:51:14]
User781731 - Posts: 26
I need OpenGL enabled for a particular custom study. The problem is when OpenGL is enabled, the chart is slightly blurry and laggy: the chart will be blurry (as in, seemingly very low resolution) plus the mouse will be offset from the centerpoint of the crosshair and moving around the chart is generally very laggy.

The only way I have found to fix this is by maximizing that chart and then the issue resolves. The other relevant point to note is that the chart title bar is always missing UNTIL I maximize the window, after which it appears. So there is some connection or at least they are both occurring because of the same problem.

See Screenshot 1 for an example... On the left side you will see the chart is blurry, and the chart title bar is missing (yellow circled area). On the right side the chart is very clear and the chart title bar is there (red circled area). Screenshot 2 is AFTER I have maximized the left chart; you will note that the chart title bar (yellow circled area) is now visible and the chart itself is no longer blurry.

This issue happens no matter how many charts I have open; even if only 1 chart is open and maximized fully. Without fail, every time I open the chartbook for the first time, it is blurry and laggy and the title bar is missing and the only way I can resolve this is by maximizing/minimizing the chart window. The issue happens even when all studies are removed from all charts. The issue only happens when OpenGL is enabled. I have updated Sierra Chart multiple times in the last few months and it hasn't resolved the issue.

I need to fix this issue because it takes a very long time to maximize/minimize each chart for every chartbook every day. Plus, when I'm maximizing/minimizing chart windows in quick succession Sierra Chart freezes and I need to restart the program. The only way to avoid it freezing is if I literally wait 1-2 seconds between maximizing/minimizing the chart window. This obviously means I am spending a long time every day doing this temporary fix because I need to have many chartbooks opened with many chart windows inside. This freezing issue does not occur when OpenGL is NOT enabled.
imagescreenshot1.png / V - Attached On 2024-08-07 03:43:34 UTC - Size: 322.29 KB - 82 views
imagescreenshot2.png / V - Attached On 2024-08-07 03:43:38 UTC - Size: 200.71 KB - 60 views