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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 08:29:19 +0000

Post From: sc.GetLineNumberOfSelectedUserDrawnDrawing() works but not for drawing from other chart.

[2024-07-30 14:43:57]
User629079 - Posts: 7
Sorry for using wrong name of the function. My mistake.
Already I have edited post #5 with the correct function's name (GetSelectedUserDrawnDrawingFromChart)

3. case c) Yes, this is the main problem. This is the reason why I asked to create new function:
I am not able to get drawing (s_UseTool& ChartDrawing) which
I see in chart (const int ChartNumber) and
in this chart (const int ChartNumber) it is selected but
this drawing originally do not belongs to this chart (const int ChartNumber) because it comes as a copy from another chart.

If this is not difficult to implement in this new function (GetSelectedUserDrawnDrawingFromChart), please implement it. I do not see any other possibilities. I have tried.