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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:22:22 +0000

Post From: Matching of attached orders

[2024-07-26 14:56:06]
User242153 - Posts: 14
I have tried to find the answer to this question myself, but I see many areas where the question could be addressed in the documentation so I would like some guidance on the changes needed before I make a change myself and cause unintended outcomes.
I bought one contract on NQ, with attached orders of stop and target. Price went against me but I was confident after open it would go in my favor and removed the sell stop "stop" order. I continued buying as price went down, each time removing the sell stop order. Price did turn and ripped higher but instead of profits, each time an attached target order was hit, there was a large loss. Eventually I did get to overall profit but it did not go like I thought it would.
My basic thinking is the orders were matched FIFO. I see options to enable scale in and scale out in a couple areas and changing global scale in/out to Nearest from Furthest but I am not sure what setting to change.
Any help is appreciated.