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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:11:41 +0000

Post From: Help with creating automated trading system

[2024-07-25 20:32:13]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
The "Trading System Based on Alert Condition" does not have the ability to change the Trade Window Configurations.

The "Spreadsheet System for Trading" does have this capability, but you have to be careful about entering the correct configuration and the quantity to match. You can use spreadsheet functions to get the items as you want - for instance you can use an IF() function to set the Trade Window Configuration, such as the following:
=IF(ID1.SG1 < 200, "Config1.twconfig", "Config2.twconfig")

Or you can do this using ACSIL, but if you are not programmer, then this is not really an option - although you can pay someone to do it for you. Refer to the following:
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